I see your point. Have you ever considered the case for intercession?
I once had a dream where I was standing on judgment day and there was the lake of fire. And God said to me, you can go into heaven, but these must go into the lake of fire. And I looked and standing there were many people I knew. A brother, some friends, a sister in law. And they were terrified.
As I stood there, I felt really bad and yet I did not want to question God's judgment. Finally I could not stand it any longer and I said; "Lord, I don't feel like I deserve to go to heaven any more than these deserve to go into the fire". God then grabbed me, threw me on the floor and whipped me. As I was on my knees I covered my head with my hands and just took it. After that, He threw the whip on the floor and said "they are now in your hands". And I said, "Lord why did you whip me?" And He said, "I did not whip you for you, I whipped you for them".
He then walked away and I could only see His back, but I got the distinct impression He was pleased and smiling. Then I looked at those who were standing there, and some were weeping, aghast at what they had witnessed, and I liked those. But others were cheering, "way to go". And those I did not like so much.