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Could Christ come at night?


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I have often heard many people boldly preach Christ comes at night. But they however clarified it that He will come like a thief...and no one knows at what night He'd come.
If He'd come at night, then great advantage - because so many reconcile with Christ before going to bed - for they have the Fear that they Could die in their sleep. So if He comes at night many people would make heaven.
But I prefer He comes on a Sunday. Many people try and enter and leave churches concentrated.

However I do not think we know the time of the day when He would come. He would definitely come.
I have often heard many people boldly preach Christ comes at night. But they however clarified it that He will come like a thief...and no one knows at what night He'd come.
If He'd come at night, then great advantage - because so many reconcile with Christ before going to bed - for they have the Fear that they Could die in their sleep. So if He comes at night many people would make heaven.
But I prefer He comes on a Sunday. Many people try and enter and leave churches concentrated.

However I do not think we know the time of the day when He would come. He would definitely come.

Ans: Evening

(Zech 14:3-9) Then the LORD will go forth And fight against those nations, As He fights in the day of battle. And in that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, Which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two, From east to west, [Making] a very large valley; Half of the mountain shall move toward the north And half of it toward the south. Then you shall flee [through] My mountain valley, For the mountain valley shall reach to Azal. Yes, you shall flee As you fled from the earthquake In the days of Uzziah king of Judah. Thus the LORD my God will come, [And] all the saints with You. It shall come to pass in that day [That] there will be no light; The lights will diminish. It shall be one day Which is known to the LORD -- Neither day nor night. But at evening time it shall happen [That] it will be light. And in that day it shall be [That] living waters shall flow from Jerusalem, Half of them toward the eastern sea And half of them toward the western sea; In both summer and winter it shall occur. And the LORD shall be King over all the earth. In that day it shall be -- "The LORD [is] one," And His name one.
Yes.. Evening is for Jerusalem.. so it will be midnight here and morning in US.
Hence why the verse "come like a thief in the night" is probably not meant to be taken too literally, unless the entire world is plunged into darkness.

"like" a thiief in the night.

Honestly we could be concerning ourselves with far more important things.

Ok, Felix. A splendid reference.
Like the preachers boldly preached, if Christ would come at night then HE would come twice. The preachers could be wrong then. By this, Felix, I mean that nature has it that while some countries are already in their night others are in their morning. Then HE has to come twice. The time of the day in one country could differ from that of other countries. There is no time of the day when the entire earth is night - I mean the time of the day when man and animals sleep.
Then if HE must come at night, as they claim, the universe would be changed so as to achieve a common night throughout the world.

This Chapter seems to emphasise a particular time of the day. There could be a modification. I see it as re-engineering the world to achieve a common 'period'.
Verse 7 seems to talk about disruption. The earth would be modified: it is neither morning nor night
Ok, Felix. A splendid reference.
Like the preachers boldly preached, if Christ would come at night then HE would come twice. The preachers could be wrong then. By this, Felix, I mean that nature has it that while some countries are already in their night others are in their morning. Then HE has to come twice. The time of the day in one country could differ from that of other countries. There is no time of the day when the entire earth is night - I mean the time of the day when man and animals sleep.
Then if HE must come at night, as they claim, the universe would be changed so as to achieve a common night throughout the world.

This Chapter seems to emphasise a particular time of the day. There could be a modification. I see it as re-engineering the world to achieve a common 'period'.
Verse 7 seems to talk about disruption. The earth would be modified: it is neither morning nor night


(Gen 8:21-22) And the LORD smelled a soothing aroma. Then the LORD said in His heart, "I will never again curse the ground for man's sake, although the imagination of man's heart [is] evil from his youth; nor will I again destroy every living thing as I have done. While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease."
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(Gen 8:21-22) And the LORD smelled a soothing aroma. Then the LORD said in His heart, "I will never again curse the ground for man's sake, although the imagination of man's heart [is] evil from his youth; nor will I again destroy every living thing as I have done. While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease."

I almost didn't pay attention here. Verse seven seems strange! It does not seem to talk about destruction. There could be a change to make that neither-Morning-nor-night period possible.

Besides The Book of Revelation seems to emphasise catastrophe on earth. I don't know.
HE WILL come at night -

For some, and at noon for others, and in the afternoon , and in the evening. Depends where on earth you happen to be when the event occurs.
Re: HE WILL come at night -

For some, and at noon for others, and in the afternoon , and in the evening. Depends where on earth you happen to be when the event occurs.

Then I could be shaken out of sleep if he does. Another person from a different region would abandon her lunch and hurry OUTSIDE. Yet Another person heading to the office would suddenly pull over along the street and tremble at His coming.

He should come on a Sunday when all appear saints or at night when...
He'd neither come at night nor in the afternoon nor at morning. But he'd come when the whole earth have a common climate.
Mark 13 seems to emphasise this.
The Coming of the Son of Man

24 ¡°But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light;
25 the stars of heaven will fall, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.
26 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds with great power and glory.
27 And then He will send His angels, and gather together His elect from the four winds, from the farthest part of earth to the farthest part of heaven.

then the earth would be completely dark!
the earth as we see it shall be destroyed and recreated.

this doesnt mean we wont have the lands or oceans just that God will cleanse the earth in order to restore it.

that is a seperate event to some from the coming of christ.
the earth as we see it shall be destroyed and recreated.

this doesnt mean we wont have the lands or oceans just that God will cleanse the earth in order to restore it.

that is a seperate event to some from the coming of christ.

This really sounds strange. Please what exactly is that new earth? Or you could even rephrase
This really sounds strange. Please what exactly is that new earth? Or you could even rephrase
it doesnt say much only that the sea shall be no more, some take the part of wheres no sun or moon literal as well.

i do believe our redeemed bodies wont have certain organs that are for cleansing of impurities. ie the liver or spleen. wastes yes but not for impurities.

there wont be sickness there or death.
Christ could come at anytime ! Mark 13:35

<SUP>35</SUP>Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:
Christ could come at anytime ! Mark 13:35

<SUP>35</SUP>Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning:

It's a parable. The next verse says,
(Mark 13:36) "lest, coming suddenly, he find you sleeping.
You never slept last night?
What is the information Christ portrays in 'sleeping'?

The response was related to the 'time' of His coming. What savedbygrace57 pointed out is that he could come any time by pointing out the parable. Well, in a sense I agree that He could come anytime considering that it's not evening all around the globe, but at the same time, Mark 13:35 is actually a parable which must not be taken literally. That's my point.

Coming to the actual question by you, 'sleeping' as in 1Thess 5:7-8.


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