you have missed my point entirely. evolution can not exist. everything points aginst it. no offense, but it's jsut wrong. for evolution to work, AT ALL, it relies on millions of years to do so, darwin himself said that. and it can't take millions of years for evolution to take place. if it did, everything would have died right off the bat, in one oor two hours of trying to transform. then there would be nothing left. all living things would stop being living. how can you say that god started evolution? evolution kills, it doesn't bring life.
my idea about the frog, that is not an irrelevant analogy. the frog does transform. but it is very very quickly, so it doesn't give it a chance to die. plus, it is written in the frog's genetic code to do that EVERY TIME, not jsut once, not just twice, every single time. i've never seen one frog that did not start off swimming and end up hopping on land. they are supposed to do that. and lots of evidence shows that it ahsn't changed over the milions of years.
infact, dinosaurs existed the same time man did. they stood side by side all the time. they have fossils to prove it. except, back then, tehy didn't call them "dinosaurs", they called them leviathans, sepants, dragons, things like that. these are the dinosaurs that you find in the dirt all teh time. i have one question for you. even if evolution is true, we should see LIVING creatures from the lower chain of evolution, not DEAD creatures. if they can survive long enough to reproduce, then so should the other ones. but instead, we find dead ones. and only one of them at that! even if you think that god started evolution, that's wrong, evolution is wrong, creationism is right. the earth is not 4.5 billion years old, it is roughly around 6,000-10,000 years of age. nothing less, nothing more. the creation of that took six days, max. six don't believe me, go to the web site, look for the science tab, then articles, then creation Vs. evolution, then look for the topic "physics shows how six day creation is possible". after you finnish reading that, all you can say is, "well, i don't think that our galaxy is the center of the universe, so it must be wrong" and why would that be? you throw out factual evidence because you "think" it must be wrong? not very scientific. then, to back up another remark, you can go to that same site, go to the science tab, then articles, then physics, then the topic "star not billions of light years away". i agree with that, but i also have my very own idea to add to it. when the big bang exploded, it didn't take billions of light years to get to where it's at, it took some 6,000 years. that's it. how does any other "evidence" you know of show that evolution is right...with all the topics and ideas that i have given you, real evidences, can your evidence overthrow mine? if so, i want to see it. then i will decide if it overthrows anything or not.