[__ Prayer __] Creeped out

Oct 23, 2010
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I’m getting better at focusing on Jesus Christ and also my day to day life…

And the weird talk around me about conservators and guardians etc continues and…

I got an email saying my online account with a big box ? retailer had been locked ? because of too many failed attempts to login. Thing is…

I don’t think ? I’ve used that account in1 year or so.

Little things have gone missing from my place. It’s slowed down since I got a security system and then added more cameras ? but…

A pair of glasses ? one shoe out of a pair 2 meat thermometers ?️ at different times…

It’s random and creepy and unnerving. Trust me the small items were taken not misplaced. My apartment is very clean ? now following reorganization and deep cleaning ? so…

Creepy. Unnerving. Etc.

Please pray ?
Put a glass glass on your dorrknob before you sleep. the theif will make it drop and shatter.
Put tape and ropes near entrances.
Check doors and other entrances being locked.
Perhaps buy an animal, like a bird or dog.
Put legoes on the floor where you think thieves will go. if you have no legoes, try to buy some. Take a picture so you know what the legoes looked like. When the theif steps on them, it will be evidence he was there. Also put sharp objects among the legos, his foot will hurt! Crime Doesnt Pay!

After doing all this, mabye even sleep near where you think the theif will enter, but guard yourself, this is a risky option. even with my tips. but youll be nearer so you might wake up easier.

Can you explain the conservator guardian thing?? idk.