You ask difficult questions
But I do understand because the same thoughts have gone through my head. But here is an example. I know the Bible says to give to those who ask. Then two people came into my life over a period of time and saw that I live by that scripture. Then they started asking and I started giving. One lady wanted to study , so she had me paying her rent and studies and phone bills (It was like paying for a divorce) this lasted more than two years. Then another similar situation started. I still gave. It got to a point where it became a real burden to make enough money for everybody. But God sees the heart and at that time, He brought the balance into my life by a simple scripture :
2Th 3:10 For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, If any will not work, neither let him eat.
Well the lights went on for me and I stopped . Both these refused to work , although they could. They saw a gap and took it. So God has placed scripture in place for us to protect us from abusers too. On the other hand, God is sovereign and He kept me blind to that scripture until He achieved something in my life too. I still give, what I have belongs to Him. But I am responsible to know the Scriptures so that I am not out on my own, but that He can live through me. God does not approve of freeloaders.He says they must not eat, so I was sinning in a way, by feeding them.
I really do not think that God is into us living in luxury, but He says we must have clothing and food and a roof. Have a job that you love to do !
2Th 3:12 Now them that are such we command and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.
2Th 3:13 But ye, brethren, be not weary in well-doing. In this you would be able to share with others too.
Turn the other cheek. From what you have written I see that you do that and you do not add to the Word excuses to get you out of it.
Please do not get legalistic about it. You will know when that happens, when your joy goes away and you feel burdened. Then you are in your own strength. Once we understand that we have truly died with Christ, we will also realize that He now lives in us and through us. So He is the One who will guide you in and through these decisions.
Once we learn that God is our source and that He is the provider of everything, we can give freely , knowing that He again will supply to us. This is something that we grow into. We must first learn and have the faith that He indeed, will supply our every need.