[__ Praise __] dad and me

Oct 23, 2010
we always had a...distant, often -tense- relationship. lots of stuff going on, blah blah blah...

now? 8 years into my walk with Jesus, I call my dad (on a phone he got me, as a gift) daily. not anything deep or emo, just...touching base, what's going on? may i come over later?, and...

I'm thankful. really, truly thankful. I mean, I have a -ways to go- , in my case its not really (or at least, not only) about "recovery from severe mental illness," its really about...

my new life, in Christ...which, by His grace, includes a steadily growing, good relationship with my father.

I Praise God for His mercy! :-)
me, yet again. hi! hello! lol. :-)

seriously, I'm -increasingly thankful- for both of my parents, and especially thankful for my growing, increasingly warm relationship with my father. yay, dad! :-)

just came back from yet another quality dinner at the parents' place. I arrive...dad's walking the perma-puppies (little house dogs) and asks me to heat up a side dish in the microwave. ok, cool. done and done. off to see mama, in the den...

quality, light convo -- no trauma, no drama, no heavy emo junk -- and then the meal...yes, please! thoughtful use of the Christmas meal (read: reruns, redone to make them -awesome- ), we watched a lil TV, then I was out the door, and...and...

I was out there, with no redeeming qualities and all kinds of problems (many of them from my own sins, ok...), and they didn't get rid of me. Now? My Redeemer lives! Its not that I"m the most amazing Christian ever, its more like...

I am -a Christian- , and Jesus has done some amazing work in my life, following the big, big, big (did I say big often enough, yet?) -miracle- of providing...whatever it is I needed; humility, lucidity, etc....to get -genuinely saved- . pity? compassion? mercy? Love? yes, all of the above.

I Praise Christ Jesus for His grace! and...

I love my dad, too. :-)
thanks, all of you, for the prayers, support, -tolerance- (I mean of...me, not any sins, etc.), and...yeah. :)

for_his_glory ...this isn't false humility or anything, its more like...well, I'm just thankful that The Lord has seen fit to do so much in -my life- , and its just recently dawned on me that its another example of The Lord showing -extreme- grace, mercy, and Love to "the least of these," that kind of thing.

saw my parents briefly today. mama's not feeling so great. please keep her up in prayer...she brushed it off, all that. I'm not super worried (she's healthy, eats a good diet, etc.), but...-eek- . these are trying times.

saw dad, briefly. funny thing...now, I'm (apparently) "Schizophrenic," but my whole personality has changed, in Christ...for the much, much better (social skills, I can think of the other person, etc.). so, I'm thankful for my dad and mama, indeed, and also because...

The Lord brought me out of utter and complete darkness, and even with a label of "Schizophrenia," it seems I'm remarkably...whole, flaws and all...and that is -amazing- grace, to me. :-)

Happy New Year, y'all! :-)
me, yet again. hi! hello! lol. :)

seriously, I'm -increasingly thankful- for both of my parents, and especially thankful for my growing, increasingly warm relationship with my father. yay, dad! :)

just came back from yet another quality dinner at the parents' place. I arrive...dad's walking the perma-puppies (little house dogs) and asks me to heat up a side dish in the microwave. ok, cool. done and done. off to see mama, in the den...

quality, light convo -- no trauma, no drama, no heavy emo junk -- and then the meal...yes, please! thoughtful use of the Christmas meal (read: reruns, redone to make them -awesome- ), we watched a lil TV, then I was out the door, and...and...

I was out there, with no redeeming qualities and all kinds of problems (many of them from my own sins, ok...), and they didn't get rid of me. Now? My Redeemer lives! Its not that I"m the most amazing Christian ever, its more like...

I am -a Christian- , and Jesus has done some amazing work in my life, following the big, big, big (did I say big often enough, yet?) -miracle- of providing...whatever it is I needed; humility, lucidity, etc....to get -genuinely saved- . pity? compassion? mercy? Love? yes, all of the above.

I Praise Christ Jesus for His grace! and...

I love my dad, too. :)
amen - praising God with you
ok. i'll -try- to spare y'all a day by day account of my (uneventful, quiet, peaceful) life...

but this is awesome! dad dropped by and we went out to the lake. he fished. my fishing license lapsed, so i...watched...supervised...what have you...

and it was good times. later, i went by the parents' place and had a most excellent meal.

--the end-- :-)
hey, guess what? its me, again! :-)

both parents are doing well. funny thing...I wasn't actually expected to...ummm...live this long. lol. thankfully, The Lord spared me, and I"m alive -and- healthy, plus not in need of confinement, heavy meds, etc., so...God is Good. truly.

dad's doing a part time deal at work, officially retired (complicated situation...they need him, he doesn't want to be there full time, I guess this is meeting 1/2 way? works to my parents' benefit, thank goodness...), and...I called him today, and...

he -answered- in a -good mood- and chatted me up, briefly. minor miracle, long story. my parents are good to me and I'm increasingly good to them, too...because of Christ in me, of course.

I'm just...well, its a follow up, still praising sort of report...we really -are- a family, again, for the 1st time in...I dunno, ages. The Lord still works miracles, amen. :-)
I'm thankful. Not to once again give a day by day account of my (thankfully, peaceful and mostly uneventful) life, but...

dad called this AM. I mean, called me back. lol. I got up early, craving some convo. no big shakes, but these days he talks to me about his work (he's still part time) and volunteer stuff, his bird watching, and now and then he'll wax nostalgic and talk about his very boomer (I mean that fondly, not in a snarky way) life growing up in the 60s and early 70s. and so...

clearly, The Lord has changed both of us, and worked in our lives, and...yeah. yeah. I give God all the Glory, amen. :-)