- Feb 28, 2009
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Scripture Of The Day - Listening To God
As Christians, we need to spend more time listening to God than anything else. When we do hear the Lord, creative power and life flow through His words.
Every word God speaks is creative.
Psalm 107:20 -- "He sent His Word and He healed them."
One of the most crucial areas in which believers fall short in is pressing into God. Many pray briefly about decisions, then merely do what seems like common sense, not acquiring the mind of the Lord at all. But God must be sought.
Hebrews 11:6 -- "He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."
In the parable of the unrighteous judge. Jesus taught the disciples about prayer, teaching them how to pray and not lose heart.
Luke 18:2-6 -- "There was a judge in a certain town who neither feared God nor respected men. And there was a widow in that same town who kept coming to him and pleading for her rights: 'Help me against my opponent!' For a long time the judge was not willing, but at last he said to himself, 'Even though I don't fear God or respect men, yet because of all the trouble this widow is giving me I will see to it that she gets her rights; or else she will keep on coming and finally wear me out?'" And the Lord continued, "Listen to what that corrupt judge said."
The temptation, when we first pray about something is to lose heart, or give up. But God will speak clearly to us if we press into Him. Often it is necessary to pray until you feel (and know) your spirit is breaking through.
Luke 5:5 -- 'Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.'
When Jesus told His disciples to 'Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch,' Peter almost aborted the creative word of God. He made the classic mistake of letting his brain interfere with the voice of the Lord. After all, the disciples had been fishing all night, with no results.
Our most troublesome enemy of the creative flow, other than the devil, is our analytical mind. God's commands don't always seem reasonable but they always bear fruit.
God cannot be manipulated by what we know or what we say. When we don't listen for his voice we are in danger of presumption. But when He speaks to listening ears, His words are creative. And the results are awesome.
As Christians, we need to spend more time listening to God than anything else. When we do hear the Lord, creative power and life flow through His words.
Every word God speaks is creative.
Psalm 107:20 -- "He sent His Word and He healed them."
One of the most crucial areas in which believers fall short in is pressing into God. Many pray briefly about decisions, then merely do what seems like common sense, not acquiring the mind of the Lord at all. But God must be sought.
Hebrews 11:6 -- "He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him."
In the parable of the unrighteous judge. Jesus taught the disciples about prayer, teaching them how to pray and not lose heart.
Luke 18:2-6 -- "There was a judge in a certain town who neither feared God nor respected men. And there was a widow in that same town who kept coming to him and pleading for her rights: 'Help me against my opponent!' For a long time the judge was not willing, but at last he said to himself, 'Even though I don't fear God or respect men, yet because of all the trouble this widow is giving me I will see to it that she gets her rights; or else she will keep on coming and finally wear me out?'" And the Lord continued, "Listen to what that corrupt judge said."
The temptation, when we first pray about something is to lose heart, or give up. But God will speak clearly to us if we press into Him. Often it is necessary to pray until you feel (and know) your spirit is breaking through.
Luke 5:5 -- 'Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.'
When Jesus told His disciples to 'Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch,' Peter almost aborted the creative word of God. He made the classic mistake of letting his brain interfere with the voice of the Lord. After all, the disciples had been fishing all night, with no results.
Our most troublesome enemy of the creative flow, other than the devil, is our analytical mind. God's commands don't always seem reasonable but they always bear fruit.
God cannot be manipulated by what we know or what we say. When we don't listen for his voice we are in danger of presumption. But when He speaks to listening ears, His words are creative. And the results are awesome.