Me thinks its time we dressed for battle, be sure of your faith this is an area
where great danger lurks. Satan looks for these open doors that we've allowed happen, don't believe it? then don't get involved you'll be sorry you did. Its not a kids game although at a distance it appears harmless, Oh right!! read on...
Things are about to get very hot and Hell is behind it. I was listening to a Christian radio station this morning when their reporter said that due to the popularity of the likes of Harry Potter and his series of books our young people are dabbling into the occult at an alarming rate! Casting spells making potions and all that's wicked and Un-Godly, I've heard of Christian parents thinking its a passing phase, Oh really!! wait till mom and pop spank one of them to have a spell cast in their direction.
Are we prepared? this warfare is going to escalate as quickly as the kids can eat it up Then who knows some adults as well. There are today churches that worship Satan so this should come as
no big surprise.
In His Service,
where great danger lurks. Satan looks for these open doors that we've allowed happen, don't believe it? then don't get involved you'll be sorry you did. Its not a kids game although at a distance it appears harmless, Oh right!! read on...
Things are about to get very hot and Hell is behind it. I was listening to a Christian radio station this morning when their reporter said that due to the popularity of the likes of Harry Potter and his series of books our young people are dabbling into the occult at an alarming rate! Casting spells making potions and all that's wicked and Un-Godly, I've heard of Christian parents thinking its a passing phase, Oh really!! wait till mom and pop spank one of them to have a spell cast in their direction.
Are we prepared? this warfare is going to escalate as quickly as the kids can eat it up Then who knows some adults as well. There are today churches that worship Satan so this should come as
no big surprise.
In His Service,