Oran_Taran said:That is not quite what I asked. Can you site instances where something less sophisticated creates something more sophisticated, or something inanimate creates something that is animate. Also an organism growing is not what I had in mind: I'm talking about a discrete organism giving rise to another, substantially more sophisticated discrete organism.
Umm... evolution.
Also, a random... thing of H2O molecules (less "sophisticated") in a water droplet or whatever gives rise to a much more "sophisticated" snowflake.
a bunch of hot and cool winds, water, moisture, etc. (less "sophisticated" gives rise to more "sophisticated" hurricane, or tornadoes, or water spouts (which are basically tornadoes, I know), etc.
what exactly is the point of asking that? if I give you an example, you'll just say god made it possible or something.... but actually they all work according to physics, and so do all the chemicals that gave rise to all the organisms on earth... which still all work according to physics.
Sorry, but a cell can only respond to its nucleus which is only re-enforced by outside stimuli. This, a bacterial cell will only become more virulent when it is acted upon by an outside stimuli, such as medication. And that is why bacteria and viruses are becoming more reistent to medications. Again, no creation can ever be superior to its creator because it couldn't even exist without its creator.
And scientists still haven't been able to explain, nor will they ever be able to explain, how the first atoms, molecules, quarks, electrons, protons, etc. came into being in the first place, much less how they were arranged to form animals, plants, and humans! And humans have been around for how long? :o Millions of years, according to evolutionists? So if they haven't been able to figure this out in millions of years, then thinking they can in any generation is nothing more than "delusions of grandeur" plain and simply.