1)Abiogenesis, upholds that life can indeed come from nonlife, but through an accident that somehow makes a cell.
wrong. Chemistry is no accident.
They thought that simple cells could arise from something as common as mud.
nobody thinks that.
Darwinists upheld that millions of years ago (note not billions), somewhere in a warm pond, a charge of electricity ran through a bunch of elements causing them to form the first cell.
wrong, the electricity just made certain organic compounds possible, which self replicated, had mutations, natural selection took place, and after a LOT of chemical reactions and a LOT of intermediates, very simple cells arose.
First of all, uracil one of the four base pairs of DNA cannot stand long in 0 degrees Celsius temperatures in water, let alone form in such a place.
Wrong. Uracil is not part of DNA. and who cares if it can't stand/form in freezing water? Nobody said it forms in ice.
In fact, this has made some scientists conclude that early life supposedly formed in cold oceans.
... You really need to double check your posts.
The most primitive cell, E.Coli is about 3.45 billion years old on the evolutionist time scale
Wrong. E. coli is not the most primitive cell, and it's not 3.45 billion years old.
Amazingly, the simplest cell in existence, which supposedly spawned all of life, has remained the same!
of course that's wrong, for the same reasons I said before, but even if it was right, that's irrelevant. There is no reason whatsoever why simple cells wouldn't remain as such for billions, trillions, or googles of years.
You'd think that it wouldn't be here after 3.45 billion years of supposed evolution but it is. Same with cockroaches. They were there since the evolutionist timescale of before the dinosaurs, and they have remained relatively the same (with some minor variations). Same with turtles-240 million years of the same turtle with absolutely NO evolution. The Coeloath, a fish thought to have been extinct "60 million" years ago, was found alive and breathing a few decades ago, EXACTLY the same.
same as above.
Tell me, why WOULD they be changed? Why WOULD they become extinct?
The evolutionist excuse for this is that they found the best physiological form that fits their surroundings.
Exactly. They don't need to change, why would they?
Abiogenesis contradicts: the laws of chemistry, the laws of physics and the laws of chance. It has been calculated by real scientists and mathematicians that the chance of a cell arising from a primordial soup is 1 in 10 to the 190,000 power.
Wrong. They calculated it as if it were RANDOM chance. It is most definately not random. Chemistry/physics are NOT random. That completely throws off the calculation. What's more, they calculated a modern cell. They also calculated modern proteins, etc. The first life would not be a modern cell, or have modern proteins, etc.
The experiment produced proteinoid microspheres, that is barely made amino acids which somehow resembled proteins.
sigh. You don't even know what amino acids or proteins are. The experiment produced amino acids and nucleotides. Amino acids are the monomers for proteins, and nucleotides are the monomers for DNA/RNA.
These proteinoids were in themselves different from the needed amino acid structure within a protein-A protein needs either all left or all right amino acids in its structure to be able to code
In nature, in theory, never produced, proteins can only form 50% left and 50% right.
The problem is, evolution needs to make new genes! It does not! GENETIC MUTATIONS PRODUCE NO EVOLUTION, THEY ONLY UNSCRAMBLE GENES.
Wrong. There are many types of mutations. Some make new genetic information, some change preexisting genes, some change preexisting DNA that doesn't code for anything, meaning they do create new genes.
Ever wonder about the gap between unicellular and multicellular organisms? There are no 2-celled, 3-celled, 5-celled, 20-celled organisms. They jump to trillions of cells.
sigh... that's right... you guessed it... WRONG.
There are hundreds of species of organisms that are 2-celled, 3-celled, etc.
From euglena, which is one, to desimids, which are two, etc. all the way to whales and enormous fungi.
)The links are missing-The supposed transitional evidence between species is indeed missing.
again, wrong. There are hundreds of transitional fossils.
I remember my 7th grade biology teacher saying how all that was missing was for the missing link to be found, as if everything else had been confirmed.
well gee, a 7th grade teacher. They're the most educated people around. And how long ago was that? lol... ok, you don't have to tell us...
Australopithecines, supposedly the first step towards monkey-to-man evolution have been shown to be an extinct species of monkeys.
Wrong yet again. Bloody hell, I've never ......
anyway... it's an extinct species of hominid. Hominids include humans. We're hominids.
In Olduvai Gorge, the main digging site in East Africa for fossils, there have been found at the same place and geological time a skeleton of an Australopithecine, A.Afarensis and Homo Habilis! This confirms that these three species weren't related at all!
yep, wrong again. I'm kind of getting tired of saying wrong...
Anyway, whole species don't evolve, populations do. Simple as that.
Note that in the 19th century, it was proposed millions of years at most, that is a few hundred thousand generations at most! This has been multiplied by 1000-fold.
They didn't even know about radioactive decay back then. Of course they had it wrong, they couldn't test their ideas! Radioactive decay was discovered in 1896, almost in the 20th century.
If they don't fit with the current view, the dates are tested again and again until a convient enough one has been found.
Wrong. They test them a lot of times and then choose the one that appears the most. For example, they may test a bone 15 times, and if 11 of the 15 say it's 2 million years old, then that's what they say.
An expedition to where the Helena volcano had errupted, a group of scientists measured the newly covered tree bark earth crust. The Carbon-14 dating method gave an age of 45,000 years. The Potassium-Argon methods gave one of 45 million!
That's because the samples they used were of rocks brought up from the bottom of the earth. When lava is coming out, it brings up rocks from the depths of the crust of the earth. They used those, so their dates were wrong.
In every DNA replication there are about 3 genetic mistakes in it.
source? by proxy I think it's wrong.
Over time however, the degeneration will become so increased that more and more of the genetic mistakes in the genome match and thus a more and more the person is degraded in health such as physical deformities, and diseases.
Yeah, that's why there is natural SELECTION.
the bad mutations die out, the good ones live. It's a very simple concept.
in short, pretty much every single thing was wrong. If the fact wasn't wrong, then the conclusion was flawed. No wonder you're a creationist, you're full of misinformation.
I started to notice discrepancies between evolution and observable theories/ laws...i.e.- First and Second Laws of Thermodynamics
That's because you don't understand them.
Organisms are not closed environments. They are ALWAYS eating. ALWAYS having external energy being pumped into them so that they WILL maintain in order, and even increase.
Cause and Effect; Information Theory, etc...I was in crisis
can you elaborate?