Potluck said:
You sure are in an inquisitive mood VaultZero4Me.
I have one:
What is a moderator from "Ethical Atheist" doing on a Christian site?
My question to Bob is to clarify his position in debates regarding evolution so that I may understand his stance on the issues at hand. My question is relevant to the discussion.
Unless youre in the camp that evolution some how = atheism, you inquisition is entirely irrelevant to this thread.
To answer your question, I enjoy conversation with Christians and non-christians alike, and if you look over my threads, you will not find any hidden agenda that you posed questions seems to suggest. In fact I commonly post in threads that have nothing to do with Christianity, because I enjoy the conversation of many on this particular site.
Also, you can search my threads here and find numerous occasions that I pointed out that I am a non-believer. In fact, I did it on my very first post to this site.
I grew up in a Christian home, study the bible quite regularly, and am very well versed on theology imo. I like studying and understanding religion. That is the reason I am here, as well as enjoying many of your posters.
I also may point out that your very question, and the manner it was posed would be the type that you pointed out early in the TOS should be a pm. Or am I wrong in that assumption?
If you would like to know the other sites in addition to ethicalatheist.com I post on
http://www.nonconforums.com (a site dedicated to great, constructive conversations between the whole range of believers and non believers),
http://www.techguys.com (computer help),
http://www.audiforums.com (for car help), forums.worldofwarcraft.com (I am a bit of a video game nerd)
Thats all of the ones I can think of right now, but feel free to ask me anything about those as well.
btw, I am only a mod on ethicalatheist.com because we had a run of pornographic spam bot attacks, and the websites software was out of date. They made many of the regular posters there mods so we could delete the dozens of posts that were being spammed per hour, until the actual moderators could find a resolution. I am not a moderator in the true sense, as I am not actually affiliated with the site other than a poster.
Now, with that being said, since this question is coming from a moderator on this board, I am inclined to ask if there is a problem with me posting here. If you meant to suggest that I have no business posting here than I wish for you say it in a more specified manner, otherwise I will continue to post. You can pm me or we can just continue this conversation on the board.