Looking at your comment there, Barbarian, I think the longest stanza in the hymn to evolution was sung by Adam, who I'm fairly sure has probably copied it from somewhere like talkorigins.
What a waste of good electrons!
Not even Ruse can budge you, and he's a serious evo. I'm not (as you may have gathered) and I therefore have no real hope of weaning you away from the drug.
However, as I hope people have seen, there is an enormous amount of evidence from instinctive behaviour which casts the lie in the teeth of evolution.
Just to remind you of some:
1 The migration of the Pacific Golden Plovers 2,800 miles each way
2 The migration of the Capistrano swallows 7,000 miles each way
3 The migration of the godwit 7000 miles each way
4 The migration of the European eels 3000 miles each way
5 The migration of the Monarch butterflies
Not one of those mighty phenomena can even begin to be accounted for by evolutionary theory, no matter how many absurd papers you cite.
I'm amazed that your arm is still attached, the amount of arm waving you indulge in!
The reason I keep on about this is not that I expect to convince you. Your mind is as tightly closed as any welded steel drum.
I write for those who can recognise the facts when they hear them, who will note these phenomena, and hurl them in the face of evos wherever they meet them, and demand explanations.
None will be forthcoming, of course.
Your signal failure to account for any of the above should have been enough to shut you up forever, but hey, what do facts matter?
Random mutations and natural selection will get any shearwater through a 25000 km migration back to its original nest on more or less the same date every year. And its offspring will fly the same route, the same 25000 km without ever seeing the parents do it!
How? Mutations and natural selection, of course!
So too with the Pacific Golden Plover. 2,800 miles nonstop across the Pacific, with no parental guidance!
How? Mutations and natural selection, of course!
And the godwit - over 7000 miles across the Pacific from Alaska to New Zealand, non-stop, and back every year!
How? Mutations and natural selection, of course!
Never mind the European eels, who swim back to Europe from the Sargasso Sea with no guidance either, since their parents are all dead!
How? Mutations and natural selection, of course!
I could go on, but as I say, what do facts matter any way? As long as we have a PAPER-R-R-R saying some erudite nonsense to the contrary, all is well, all is well.
Evolution can survive the endless barrage of concrete facts behind its barricade of hopeless but erudite-sounding pseudo-intellectual PAPER-R-R-R-S!
And you're enough of a sucker to keep falling for it, possibly because it keeps you looking good. I wouldn't know, nor do I care.
But by now, at least some of these monstrous rats must be nibbling away at the corners of your certainty. Aren't they? They should, if you're the reasonably honest person I think you are.
Because you can see as clearly as Zeke and I can, that if they didn't evolve, then there's only one other explanation.
They were created that way, and have remained so over millennia.
No other explanation holds a single drop of water.