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Decision Making and the Will of God


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I do not believe God provides a special calling to all believers. I believe there is a general calling provided through the Scriptures that all believers should follow, but I consider believers with a special calling to be the exception rather than the rule. For the rest of us, I believe God expects us to participant in His general calling by applying wisdom.

To make some applications, I do not believe we need to request "God's will" on which career path we will seek. I do not believe we need "the Holy Spirit's guidance" on which church to attend. I do not believe "God speaks" to "His people" as often as His people claim to be so. I generally don't buy into the "small still voice" idea, either. I believe Christians should proceed through life with wisdom rather than seeking a special calling.

That said, I'm sure many feathers have been ruffled. Thus, respond at your leisure.
We ALL have the same call of repentance. Past that, yes the diversity does exist. However ALL are led by the Spirit, but He works in each one as He wills.

Act 17:30-31 The times of ignorance God overlooked, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent, because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead.

Rom 8:2-14 For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. In order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.

For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. You, however, are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells in you. Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him. But if Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness.

If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you. For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

But your right. That leading that DOES occur in EVERY believer, is not the leading of what toothpaste to wear, or what color shirt to put on. There is wisdom that should be used in the walk we have on this earth.

And again, your right, we should not seek our calling; we should walk in it. When He calls, He equips, and He makes His will known. We should not have to look any further than the example of Jonah and of Saul. I guarantee they both KNEW what they were supposed to do and did not have to seek it out.

Out of curiosity; are you trying to ruffle feathers?
I do not believe God provides a special calling to all believers. I believe there is a general calling provided through the Scriptures that all believers should follow, but I consider believers with a special calling to be the exception rather than the rule. For the rest of us, I believe God expects us to participant in His general calling by applying wisdom.

To make some applications, I do not believe we need to request "God's will" on which career path we will seek. I do not believe we need "the Holy Spirit's guidance" on which church to attend. I do not believe "God speaks" to "His people" as often as His people claim to be so. I generally don't buy into the "small still voice" idea, either. I believe Christians should proceed through life with wisdom rather than seeking a special calling.

That said, I'm sure many feathers have been ruffled. Thus, respond at your leisure.

Well i agree with most of that actually. Too many christians hide behind prayer for Gods will when its in print in that bible collecting dust on the shelf. There is however a still small voice that will provide some guidence if we listen.

Wisdom is a step in the path ie (fear, Knowledge, understanding, wisdom).
Most get short circited at that knowledge phase.

Col 1v 9 For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding;
10 That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;
I do not believe God provides a special calling to all believers. I believe there is a general calling provided through the Scriptures that all believers should follow, but I consider believers with a special calling to be the exception rather than the rule. For the rest of us, I believe God expects us to participant in His general calling by applying wisdom.

To make some applications, I do not believe we need to request "God's will" on which career path we will seek. I do not believe we need "the Holy Spirit's guidance" on which church to attend. I do not believe "God speaks" to "His people" as often as His people claim to be so. I generally don't buy into the "small still voice" idea, either. I believe Christians should proceed through life with wisdom rather than seeking a special calling.

That said, I'm sure many feathers have been ruffled. Thus, respond at your leisure.

Too many... 'I,I,I do not believe', in your [post] for me to care to waste time with!
To follow Christ REQUIRES TOTAL SURRENDER + Rom. 8:14's Required Leading!

But we will agree that one can believe what ever he desires, huh? Whatever?

I do not believe God provides a special calling to all believers. I believe there is a general calling provided through the Scriptures that all believers should follow, but I consider believers with a special calling to be the exception rather than the rule. For the rest of us, I believe God expects us to participant in His general calling by applying wisdom.

To make some applications, I do not believe we need to request "God's will" on which career path we will seek. I do not believe we need "the Holy Spirit's guidance" on which church to attend. I do not believe "God speaks" to "His people" as often as His people claim to be so. I generally don't buy into the "small still voice" idea, either. I believe Christians should proceed through life with wisdom rather than seeking a special calling.

That said, I'm sure many feathers have been ruffled. Thus, respond at your leisure.

God has a general will concerning all of us and He has a specific will for each of us. If you do not care to inquire or seek Him in it, then you will never know the joy and richness of serving Him in the capacity He had in mind for you since before you were even born.

Those who know God through Jesus Christ and walk in relationship with Him will have His wisdom enough to seek out His will---why? Because he loves Jesus and wants to please God and be what God wants Him to be.
Too many... 'I,I,I do not believe', in your [post] for me to care to waste time with!
To follow Christ REQUIRES TOTAL SURRENDER + Rom. 8:14's Required Leading!

But we will agree that one can believe what ever he desires, huh? Whatever?


All I can add to that is,
:clap :thumbsup
However ALL are led by the Spirit, but He works in each one as He wills.
What do we mean by "led by the Spirit?" Does this mean God will tell us or direct us in all things? If not all things, what things? How do we know that?

And again, your right, we should not seek our calling; we should walk in it. When He calls, He equips, and He makes His will known. We should not have to look any further than the example of Jonah and of Saul. I guarantee they both KNEW what they were supposed to do and did not have to seek it out.
I believe we may be on the same page, but we're using different words to express it. However, how would you respond to the believer who has no idea what they're supposed to do?

Out of curiosity; are you trying to ruffle feathers?
Kind of. I am attempting to do so insofar as necessary to spark lively discussion on the topic.
Too many... 'I,I,I do not believe', in your [post] for me to care to waste time with!
The "I do not believe" statements were made as examples to elaborate on the broader point. I did not expect you or anyone else to address them point-by-point. I want to promote discussion for the purpose of exploring my own thoughts.

To follow Christ REQUIRES TOTAL SURRENDER + Rom. 8:14's Required Leading!
I do not reject being "led by the Spirit." Though, I am not convinced the expression means what you think it means. How does Romans 8:14 apply to my career choice? (I suggest reviewing the context before responding.)

But we will agree that one can believe what ever he desires, huh? Whatever?
I'm not sure of the relevance of this statement. Are you suggesting I am free to believe what I wish even though I'm wrong?
God has a general will concerning all of us and He has a specific will for each of us. If you do not care to inquire or seek Him in it, then you will never know the joy and richness of serving Him in the capacity He had in mind for you since before you were even born.
Where is this taught in Scripture?

Those who know God through Jesus Christ and walk in relationship with Him will have His wisdom enough to seek out His will---why? Because he loves Jesus and wants to please God and be what God wants Him to be.
We agree believers will seek to please God. Yet, how do we know God has assigned a special task to all believers?
The "I do not believe" statements were made as examples to elaborate on the broader point. I did not expect you or anyone else to address them point-by-point. I want to promote discussion for the purpose of exploring my own thoughts.

I do not reject being "led by the Spirit." Though, I am not convinced the expression means what you think it means. How does Romans 8:14 apply to my career choice? (I suggest reviewing the context before responding.)

I'm not sure of the relevance of this statement. Are you suggesting I am free to believe what I wish even though I'm wrong?

I see. Fortunately, I'm right and you're wrong. By the way, do you like Barbies?

Wrong attitude for someone wanting to begin a friendly discussion on this topic.

What makes you rite? and every one else wrong?
Those books you linked to are good reading I will agree, but that is all they are, anything outside of scripture is commentary, period. Someones ideas of how to interpret the scripture. No one has got it exactly rite, not even you.

But to start saying things like Do you like Barbies well that is just showing either immaturity or a lack of respect for someone that may disagree with your ideas, or both.
Wrong attitude for someone wanting to begin a friendly discussion on this topic.
Elijah is not interested in discussion. He chose to not answer my questions or support his perspective. Thus, I responded in kind. I stated my position and chose not to defend it, at least in response to him. If he is not interested in discussion, I'm not going to give him one.

But to start saying things like Do you like Barbies well that is just showing either immaturity or a lack of respect for someone that may disagree with your ideas, or both.
Neither. Barbies are irrelevant to the discussion. I am suggesting Elijah's post is irrelevant to the discussion because he's unwilling to actually engage in discussion.
I do not believe God provides a special calling to all believers.

I have a question for you. The Bible says that God knows the exact number of hairs on our head (Matt. 10:30). If He loves us and cares bout us that much, is it logical to think that He doesn't care what we do for a living?
I have a question for you. The Bible says that God knows the exact number of hairs on our head (Matt. 10:30). If He loves us and cares bout us that much, is it logical to think that He doesn't care what we do for a living?

lol, i asked God for a job and it took time but the job i work at is one of that answered prayer. alas now i must look for another if i want to leave the military for good.i cant just quit and not have the income to replace it.
I do not believe God provides a special calling to all believers. I believe there is a general calling provided through the Scriptures that all believers should follow, but I consider believers with a special calling to be the exception rather than the rule. For the rest of us, I believe God expects us to participant in His general calling by applying wisdom.

To make some applications, I do not believe we need to request "God's will" on which career path we will seek. I do not believe we need "the Holy Spirit's guidance" on which church to attend. I do not believe "God speaks" to "His people" as often as His people claim to be so. I generally don't buy into the "small still voice" idea, either. I believe Christians should proceed through life with wisdom rather than seeking a special calling.

That said, I'm sure many feathers have been ruffled. Thus, respond at your leisure.

Ever thought about the notion that it's not about YOU? At all!
I do not believe God provides a special calling to all believers

But He does, the call to be conformed into the Image of His Son, thats Special rom 8:

28And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

29For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Called to shew forth His Praises is special to God 1 pet 2:

9But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light;
If He loves us and cares bout us that much, is it logical to think that He doesn't care what we do for a living?
This is called a loaded question. If I answer yes, then I am disagreeing Scripture. If I answer no, then I am being illogical. I opt for a third answer. I believe God cares what we do for a living. I also believe God gives people the freedom to choose what they do for a living within the boundaries laid out in Scripture. I do not believe caring necessitates God dictate our career choices.


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