Brother Mike
Defending the Trinity
After reading several post, and getting warned about speaking against the Trinity several times, I have found that most here have never been grounding and rooted in the Trinity Concept. It's an amazing concept that has evolved through hundreds of years, by some of the most God loving and brilliant minds this World has seen. It is an amazing Doctrine that defends Monotheism (ONE GOD) while retaining the integrity of the Word of God.
Defending the Doctrine by a novice however or someone that does not understand the Doctrine itself can be problematic. In fact, many Articles have been written with concerns that this precious Doctrine is being misrepresented by many, many (MODILIST) It is true, gone are the Trinitarians and Hello to the Modilist.
Sabellianism, (Modilist) report that they believe in the Trinity. The fact is they don't, or don't even understand what they believe. A modilist takes parts of many doctrines and attempts to define Trinity in the Word of God. Trinity has never been, and never will be a Scriptural concept. It has never been stated it was found in scripture. This is what a modilist attempts to do.
The Trinity Doctrine is (Based) on scriptures with Faith in a One True God. It does not attempt to defend itself being something God must reveal to a person by Faith. It is not understood by the finite mind of man.
Matt Slick: (http://carm.org/modalism)
Modalism denies the distinctiveness of the three persons in the Trinity even though it retains the divinity of Christ.
Most Modilist believe they are Trinitarians, when in fact they don't know what they believe, or actually not trinitarians. You can tell by some of their comments such as.
A) God the creator is Jesus, incarnate in the flesh.
B) There is One God, who Manifest Himself in 3 distinct persons.
C) There is ONE GOD who is Plural (One that is two) who said let us make man in our Image.
Often you find these people have little or no understanding of what they actually believe. Hence, they are Modilist, as the take parts from many doctrines and model their belief from them. They are not exactly Oneness, even though their language is pretty close, nor would they even claim to be Oneness.
This makes it very, very hard to defend the Trinity Doctrine, taking a Modilist position without realizing your taking that position. While this may be fine for debating with JW's or Mormons, you will soon be squashed by someone that knows what their talking about and knows the Word of God. This is not a position anyone claiming to be Trinitarian wants to be in.
The Awesome Trinity Doctrine states there are 3 Persons. Each person has a will, each person is distinct, Each person can think on their own, Each person is not the other person. Each person is fully God, Each person is equal, but with a different role they play. All 3 together in the Godhead is GOD. Just ONE GOD. God is 3 persons.
All 3 are ONE, That work in each other As ONE, and are ONE. God is Triune in Nature, and each person fulfills Each role as the Eternal Godhead.
Modilist blur the distinctiveness of each person, in an attempt to lump them into One God.
1Jn 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
There are 3 that bear record in Heaven. All 3 are persons, Coequal, and God. Each bearing their own record in the function they perform.
Oneness Doctrine states there is ONE GOD that becomes 3 persons, or manifest Himself as each person. In this manner God is one place at a time or has split his personalities all over the place.
God with a Multiple Personality Disorder!!!!!!
Trinity Doctrine defends the many (So Called) scriptural Contradictions very well.
Jesus is not the Father. The father is not the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is not Jesus.
The Father 1st person of the Trinity sends the 2nd person Jesus. Jesus prays to the 1st person who is above and sees all. We have a Mediator, because the 1st person is distinct from the 2nd person Jesus (The Word) that was sent by which we are saved through Jesus, the Word. By whom God sent to speak to us in these Last days.
There can be absolutely no more questioning to who was praying to who. There is no more questioning about Jesus saying the Father is greater than I, because it's the 2nd person in flesh, not seated above. All the contradictions are perfectly cleared up by the precious Doctrine of the Trinity.
Any Modilist or Oneness stance can quickly be defeated with many scriptural contradictions. This is why "REAL" Trinitarian believers hate the other doctrines that have taken the original true Doctrine and destroyed it.
The Mystery of the Trinity Doctrine is included in the Doctrine itself. This is what Modelist attempt in vain to explain. This is also why they run into so many scriptural contradictions.
The Mystery is that 3 Gods are ONE, God of God, all in One, the Eternal Godhead.
This can not be proved in scripture, but it can't be disproved either!!!!!!!! The doctrine is solid.
There is no way to disprove this unless a person takes a Modelist approach. It has been tried already by the best and tested through 100's of years.
Trinity makes no attempt to mash them together in any one function, but all are ONE, Working as One, Being ONE GOD, One Saviour, One healer and helper.
This was not taken from any version of the Trinity Doctrine, but an attempt to defend and define the True Doctrine that stands the test of time and defend Monotheism.
I personally don't believe it, but if someone took this "TRUE" position I would have a hard time refuting it. The mystery is protected as it can't be dis-proven.
Blessings Mike.