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Potluck said:A slow leak doesn't make a blow out.
The Universe isn't a black hole, either.
Slevin said:How do you know there was a Big Bang if:
1) we don't know why the inflation occurred.
2) the laws of physics break down the hotter and denser the universe gets.
3) our classical mathematics cannot answer that question.
1) Not knowing why it occurred doesn't mean we don't know that it occurred. That's like asking how we know that Gravity works if we don't know why. We know that inflation occurred, based on a number of independent discoveries.
2) We're talking about the classical physical laws. They are mathematically invalid in quantum states like the universe at the moment of the Big Bang. That's where Quantum Mechanics comes in.
3) It's called Quantum Physics.
Not knowledge but data gathered through the use of science. The data is most likely correct. I hope "knowledge" is not confused with "conclusion". Even a defense attorney and prosecutor will conclude differing things when presented forensic evidence. And they are professionals in their chosen field also.
If the conclusions yield consistent results, then knowledge has been acquired. Defense attorney's and prosecutors are not scientists, they are lawyers.
"If and if and if then who are you to question..."
I'll question those "if"s. :wink:
By all means, make sure you're questioning your own if's too.
Again, the data is neutral, not the conclusion/s made.
The conclusions are neutral when it comes to theology, don't take my statements out of context.
There seems to be some sort of thing that by using the word "science" then a statement including the word is irrefutable.
Uh, no. When people like you who have no understanding of what you're talking about make ignorant comments, you are going to be corrected on what is actually being said in the scientific world. They are always refutable, if you have a valid refutation.
Science does not produce conclusions. I've never seen a voltmeter make the conclusion that the problem is with my alternator and not the regulator, wiring or a blown fuse. The user makes that judgment, not his instrument which uses science to display what is sensed.
(bad analogy, yes, but you get my point)
Science does produce conclusions, a voltmeter isn't science. The user makes the conclusion, and it is checked by other people who replicate his experiments and analyze the data. That is what science is.
True, but so what? That's the nature of science, to attempt to find the best explanation and then try your darndest to falsify it.
"nature of science"
Science itself has no nature. It can't.
Of course it can. Somethings nature is the qualities that make up that thing. Science is the pursuit of explaining reality the best way possible. The Scientific Method, Empiricism, etc, are the qualities that make up Science.
It's man who has the nature to "attempt to find the best explanation and then try your darndest to falsify it".
And if they're trying their darndest to falsify certain things they sure aren't showing it.
Where do you get that idea? Read Newtons theories and then read Einstein. Read about Piltdown Man and then read about how scientists uncovered that hoax. Read about String Theory and the massive criticism it receives. Read about Everett's Many Worlds Hypothesis and the massive criticism it received. Read about the "steady-state" theories of the universe and then read about how that was falsified.
Replace or lose. That's all a mutation can do.
Uh, no. That is patently false. Try reading about mutation before making comments like these.
In some instances a string is replicated like a calf with two heads. But that's still not going from a bovine to something else. Replication does not make a type change anyway but reconstructs something the organism already has... it adds nothing.
Adds nothing? You mean like bacteria that wasn't able to digest nylon but is now able to? Or how a mutation causes much stronger bones in a human family? Or how bacterial diseases that could be destroyed with antibiotics have now a resistance to it where there was none before? The list is endless.
That IS evolution. Speciation IS evolution.
Cows turning into other animals is NOT evolution.
A canine can have both the genes for long and short fur from a certain beginning. In cold climate the animal can lose the short fur gene. In warmer climate the long fur gene is lost. Bring one animal to the other climate does not mean that animal will adapt since the gene to do so has been bred out already by natural selection.
What are you talking about?
A bird is a different type from say a fish or a frog or a horse.
Are you talking about Families, Sub-Families, Species, Tribes, Order, Class?
And Arachnid is an Arthropod...how can they be two different types?
And you seem to indicate that science is against God.
Abiogenesis (Greek a-bio-genesis, "non biological origins") is the formation of life from non-living matter. Today the term is primarily used to refer to the chemical origin of life, such as from a 'primordial soup' or in the vicinity of hydrothermal vents, and most probably through a number of intermediate steps, such as non-living but self-replicating molecules (biopoiesis). The current models of abiogenesis are still being scientifically tested.
We're talking about the theory of origin of life on earth by molecular happenstance. Abiogenesis.
Again, that is not a theory. No model of abiogenesis states that life originated on Earth by molecular happenstance, try again.
Slevin said:"criticize" is your own conclusion. Refutation or objection or opposition would be my conclusion.
We both see the data, what I posted, and came to two differing conclusions. Science (electronics etc.) shows you the words but you make your own opinion. Which by the way differs from mine.
You don't see the data, or you wouldn't have to be corrected all the time on everything you say.
The NT testifies to the miracle of creation for Christ to feed the multitudes... twice.
By observation of everything you know those fish would be fully grown and mature. You would conclude with the evidence in hand that the fish you held was much older than say an hour or two. The fish were created from nothingness and so was the universe. The problem lies in the fact that we can't fathom the laws of creation. Heck, we don't even know if there are laws of creation. So instead we prefer to make our own judgement using the laws we do know. But that's like applying ohm's law to solve for the volume of a cylinder. And creation isn't scientific ONLY because we know nothing about it.
The problem lies in the fact that you're taking mythology, assuming it to be an actual event and then concluding that we can't fathom the laws of creation.