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Different Bibles


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This is quite a deep subject for some:

For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedge sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul, and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart - Hebrews 4:12. You do realise that this is speaking of Jesus rather than the Bible?

Jesus is the Word made flesh John 1 its that simple.

My view about different Bibles is:
The Authorized King James Bible vs The Modern Bibles.
Word for Word translations of the Bible vs Dynamic Equivalence of Words of the Bible
A Bible you can trust vs A Bible you cannot trust
Faith comes by hearing the Word of God vs Faith sometimes comes by hearing the Word of God

As my name suggests i only read the Authorized King James Bible

For a chart diagram see:

For more alot more information see:
There are no "corrupt Alexandrian texts", no diminution of Christ's deity in the NIV, no homosexual on the NIV translation committee and finally no changing of doctrines on the basis of translations.

What there is, is an heretical belief which attempts to make a 17thC English translation of the Bible into a creedal statement, a belief which attempts to arrogate to itself the right to decide that a dated, stilted English translation is the standard by which other English translations should be judged and which casts aspersion on Godly folk doing their part in making God's words available to all people.

Finally, there is a belief which although it has no biblical basis, no scriptural support at all, and no basis in history attempts to define who is and who is not a Christian solely on the basis of the English Bible translation that they use.


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