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Thessalonian said:Your make yourself, your opinions and your personal logic the arbitar of truth. That you do not think the truth is in any Church does not mean anything. Jesus said you must worship in spirit and in truth. He says the truth will set you free. But you say we haven't found the truth and cannot know it. Nobody knows it and your hear to tell us that. You put yourself as arbitar of truth. Just another denomination of one. You make yourself authority over what is true. That is why we have denominations and division.
If I have indicated that I know ALL truth, let me offer my apologies and set this to right. I DO NOT KNOW ALL THE TRUTH. Feel better now? But, I can certainly recognize un-truth and that's what I was referring to. You certainly can't have it both ways for the untruth will spoil the truth, (you know, the old 'rotten apple' adage).
I will offer again, it's not the people that are wrong so much as lazy for those they listen to and follow. I ask that NO MAN follow my path. But, through the misery and emptiness of my past I have been forced to learn much. Some has been very beneficial, but much has been wasted time and effort and lessons that no one should force themselves to learn. Enough said in this respect.
I agree with 'some' of the doctrine of the Catholics but not their doctrine as a whole by far. I believe some of the Protestant doctrine but not their doctrine as a whole by far. Any time man tries to put me back in bonds again, I refuse to accept their rules, for I am free in Christ. You may not like that I am free for you choose to live in bondage. That's your choice and your peril. And like any slave, he would resent those that aren't and much wish that others were there to share in his bondage and misery. You stay, I'll go.
We were NEVER told to bow to the wishes of men but to the will of God. Your faith teaches that I am to bow to 'the church'. Sorry, I know better. I AM the Church. Christ lives within ME. If you feel a need to be bonded to something other than Christ so be it.
And listen folks, don't let these Catholics fool ya. You that claim to be Protestants are nothing more than an off-shoot of them. The Catholic church had controlled Christianity for so long by destroying all that refused their doctrine that when Martin Luther split from them he took a ton of baggage with him. He saw some of the lies that were perpetuated in the churches, but much of their false teaching he was blinded to for he had lived this way all his life and generations and generations and generations before him.
So really and truthfully Catholics and Protestants are kinda like cousins, kissing cousins in fact. If Martin Luther had been able to read the Bible and develope a relationship with God without the influence of the Catholic church, he would certainly have offered much more change than he did.
It's kind of funny how Abraham's two son's descendants could hate each other so much that death is what they most wish upon each other. Not much different than the Catholics and Protestants. Been killing each other for centuries, IN THE NAME OF CHRIST. Real funny huh?
So I offer again, neither has followed the will of God. They have both tried to usurp HIS authority and replace it with their own. And what's worse, they have taught their children this same hatred for their brothers and perpetuated this un-CHRIST-like behavior for thousands of years. Shame on you both.
Now, as for me, I am a lowly worm. An ungrateful pig. A sorry, inexcusable piece of self-consumed flesh that deserves to burn in hell for eternity. But hey, I did it on my own and ask no one to follow in my foot-steps. But guys, I know this and admit it freely. I am no more worthy of the gift that has been offered than Hitler or Stalin, that murdering and adulterous King of the Jews, David, or the serpent slithering in the garden. But fortunately for me, God loves me anyway. He is totally displeased with me as a sinning shell of flesh, but he knows me, and loves me anyway. So much so, that He sent His Son to die for ME. Amazing isn't it?
So you worship your crosses, and pray to your statues that don't even look like Jesus or Mary or anyone else that they are supposed to represent, finger your beads, jump in a box and confess your individual sins so a 'man' can forgive you and tell you what to do to be absolved of your sins. Worship Mary, all the Saints and any other gods that you can create. Believe that a man can deny your relationship with God, and teach others that they must do all this and more that goes against the teachings of Christ. But for ME, Christ and His gift of freedom are enough for me to learn of God and to offer Him my love, devotion and gratefulness. Thank you God, and thank you Jesus. Amen!