cybershark5886 said:
Hello Dan,
Thank you again for your candid response.
dan p said:
Hi Josh , and it kicked me out again , and will try again !!
1) It says in Acts 21:21 to " forsake Moses " very plain to me .
2) The Greek word for " forsake " is APOSTASIA nad means to depart defect and does NOT means APSOTASY , because it is a not a translated word , BUT a Transliterated word .
I would say that Paul's teaching of the law was no different than Jesus', the only change was that the
Jews had since realized that all foods were clean (as
Peter, a Jew, saw in his vision of the heavenly sheet -
Acts 10:9-16), and other OT laws were not ritually required, only the law that Jesus had set forth on the Sermon on the Mount (the law of the heart, under grace), which the Jewish people (and sometimes even his own disciples) were too dense to realize during Jesus' ministry.
[quote="dan p":3v8xm3re] 3) Revlation has NOTHING to do with the Body of Christ , unless you have a verse that proves that ???
The first few chapters of Revelation are addressed to
Christian Gentile Churches. What are you talking about?
dan p said:
4) I do not see where Jesus is Cursed in Gal 1:9 , for it is speaking about those that Teach the Law and are Kingdom type preachers that Paul warned about in Gal 1:9 and in Acts 20:29 .
The logic seems very simple to me: If Paul said that any person preaching a Gospel
other than the one they had received and which he had preached to them is to be accursed, thus
if you say that Jesus and Paul preached a
different Gospel then Paul must have excluded Jesus' Gospel when he said only his was the true Gospel.
Also do you accept the point that I made about Paul
being Apostle to the Jews as well as the Gentiles
(Acts 9:15)? That means that Paul's Gospel to the Jews
was the same as for the Gentiles (with the additional freedom in Christ to observe their traditional observances - not to keep the law though).
I would like to hear your thoughts further on this matter.
God Bless,
Hi Josh , it will awhile before I believe that you know where I am coming from, just what I deduce from your answers , my opinion of course , and I have not yet fully explained Paul position on Dispensationalism that Veteran said , as setting the stage .
I had a written response as to what the Revelation is about and it kicked me out and will have to post again , and is not like what you say on the many forums that I am on . They see the Church in the first 3 chapters , see the Rapture in the 7 trumpet , and try to say what the Bowls means , and much confusion .
I have posted an OP on Acts 9:15 .
You keep sayins that Jesus and Paul spoke about the same Law , and do you have a verse that says that ?????
After Acts 28:28 , Israel was set aside , and has been set aside for 2000 years by Titus in 70 AD , a Historical FACT , and do you reject that Historical fact ?????
If all you see in Acts 10 , is clean food , read it through again , as Acts is TRUELY the most mis-intrepretative book of the bible. Acts explains WHY Paul and the coming of the Grace of God , and I will have to give an explanation on my take of Acts 10 with Cornelius .