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cybershark5886 said:Hi Dan,
Fundamentally what I don't think I understand about your view is how you view the New Testament as a whole. It seemed like you dimissed any Christian application of the Gospels as "not applicable" because it was only for "the Jews". It is frustrating to think that someone would not see a continuation between Jesus' teaching and his very own apostles! Why would Paul not teach what Jesus taught? I don't understand. For what reason then did Jesus himself come and teach (other than for atonement)? Please explain that to me. I sincerely would like to understand your view on that.
dan p said:I had a written response as to what the Revelation is about and it kicked me out and will have to post again , and is not like what you say on the many forums that I am on . They see the Church in the first 3 chapters , see the Rapture in the 7 trumpet , and try to say what the Bowls means , and much confusion .
Hmmm, I am thinking we may need to discuss Revelation separately, but my point was that since you seem to think Jesus and Paul preached different things, how do you avoid heretical/unorthodox conclusions that Jesus and Paul contradicted one another (as an atheist and other skeptics would)?
The point about food in Revelation was that some (mostly skeptics) say that Jesus said it was not okay to eat meat sacrifices to idols while Paul said it WAS okay. So is there a contradiction?
I have posted an OP on Acts 9:15 .
I would like to read that, but I cannot find it. Would you mind posting a link to it here? Thanks.
[quote:3vqdwm1h]You keep sayins that Jesus and Paul spoke about the same Law , and do you have a verse that says that ?????
There is only one Old Testament Law. When Jesus speaks frequently in the Gospels of "the law and the prophets" and Paul - all throughout Romans - speaks about the Law, they are one and the same. Infact, Jesus and Paul said almost identical things about how love fulfills the law (as Jesus in the story of the Good Samaritan, and Paul in Romans 13:8-10, "he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law" (vs. 8), and "Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law" (vs. 10)). Are you going to tell me that they are not talking about the same law?
After Acts 28:28 , Israel was set aside , and has been set aside for 2000 years by Titus in 70 AD , a Historical FACT , and do you reject that Historical fact ?????
I'm not big on pin-pointing an exact date of when God set Israel aside (unlike Preterists - who say most Biblical eschatology was fullfilled in 70 AD), but Paul well before then in Romans 9-11 spoke of how God turned to the Gentiles to provoke Israel to jealousy and that Israel would be restored - and he made it clear that the Gentiles were grafted into the promises of Israel, not the other way around.
[/quote:3vqdwm1h]If all you see in Acts 10 , is clean food , read it through again , as Acts is TRUELY the most mis-intrepretative book of the bible. Acts explains WHY Paul and the coming of the Grace of God , and I will have to give an explanation on my take of Acts 10 with Cornelius .
I'm not sure what you are talking about here, I was only focusing on Peter's vision - not hte whole chapter. My point was that what Jesus said about the Law and what was revealed afterwards were not at odds, and in fact complimented one another. And I wanted to point out that it was revealed to a Jew (Peter), not a Gentile.
God Bless,
HI Josh , and I view the New Testament as a continuation of the Old testament . New Testament is just another word for the New Covenant .
How is this the New Covenant being applied to Gentiles today ????
What is your TIMELINE as when it was put into Operation ???
Jesus added to the Law , when He spoke about looking at a women and LUSTING , or if youR right hand or eye offend you , cut YOUR HAND OFF or pluck your eye out ????
How will you explain Rom 13: 8-10 , Paul just quotes part of the Law ????
Notice that he does not mention the Sabbath or that you have to love God ???
Why is that???? And I will answer the VETERAN LATER !!!!!
By the way Josh ,in this how we will enter the Kingdom of Heaven , Matt 18:8 , or better to enter into life Halt or Maimed ???? This is really the Millennium !!!!
Or do you all want to be Raptures and have a new body , 1 Cor 15:51-53 , just one verse , dan p