I was at Barnes and Noble on a few occasions when I saw a magazine on the rack called "Skeptic". On the front cover there read the heading, "Why atheism and IQs are rising". This sounded very biggoted to me, for it is an absurdity to presume that people are smarter just because they are atheists. I didn't read the article, although I probably should have, but it makes me wonder how many people actually believe that Atheists are more intelligent than religious people. Einstein believed in God, and he was the smartest man in human history. Many Astronamers believe in God as well, and that is a very difficult field, so I don't see how this idea took root. Now assuming that the article itself doesn't advocate such an idea, but means to introduce atheism and rising IQ levels as two seperate subjects, why would they even put the words "atheism" and "rising IQ levels" in such proximity of each other? Could it be that atheists associate Godlessness with intelligence or knowledge? What are your thoughts?