- Feb 1, 2013
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I'am in an agreement with the above statement, but as far as the scriptures goes: if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, II Chronicles 7:14, Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Acts 2:38, Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge, Hebrews 13:4.This is from an observation of a preacher, and what they see. It has to be looked at it that way, through those eyes.
What do we Pastors see? We see a whole bunch of people we want to help, and certainly they call all hours of the night wanting help.
Thing is, I can't help all them, and neither can God. It may look to me, they have crossed that line in what they don't feel bad about. That is not what is really going on though.
People coming to you wanting help and answers, want God. It's not like they have turned from God, to follow something else. In their minds they are still looking to Jesus, but they can't figure out why their life is such a mess and why things go south all the time.
As Pastors, that is what we see all the time.
What causes this? violation of light they where given, and a conscience they have ignored to the point it's no longer on their conscience. In other words, they have self deceived themselves right out of the will of God, and into the hands of Mr. Devil.
One girl, who had lots of faith, and loved God sat and explained to me all the problems she was having. Being sick, then not being able to pay the bills, and on and on, and on. She could not figure out why God was not helping her. This had been going on for a few years.
She told me how God always use to bless her, and told me of this amazing relationship she had with God, but now.... Nothing.
The Lord prompted me to ask how her boyfriend was doing. She said fine, they had been getting along better, He works more around the apartment with dishes and things. She said he is very supportive.
Not a thing in the World I can do. Not a thing in the World God can do. The conversation is over.
What I know is, the Lord told her to leave this guy alone a few years back, and not to shack up with him. She made excuses about how God knows they love each other, and God knows they will be married someday anyway. Well, 3 years later they are not married.
She violated her own conscience years back, and walked right out of the plan of God.
I have a person right now like that, she called me up saying, I know you have a Word for me Brother Mike. I do, but she won't accept it, I already know. She wants things fixed, but things don't get fixed when you have reasoned your way out of what God told you to do from the start.
God don't give up, and we can talk about judgement and death also as that is in scripture. Once down the path of being self deceived where you believe your own lie to yourself, there is nothing God can say that He has not already said. What he did say to your heart, you have over ridden to the point that God did not really mean or say that. Nothing else for God to say at this point.
The above is all I can think of at this time, but I would also say that as one would start a better relationship with God first of all things. And my answer is: God don't give up, and we can talk about judgement and death also as that is in scripture.
Can two walk together except they are agreed: Webster's Bible Do two walk together, unless they have agreed? ... for Amos 3:3. 3:3 Agreed - Can you have God's presence while you walk so contrary to him?
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