- Apr 18, 2014
- 797
- 26
Welcome StanJ
I am not sure what Hermetical fashion is. Man's methods of understanding what is revealed by the Holy Spirit seems to fall way short into the land of unbelief.
So you understand the Laws of sowing and reaping. whoseover sows to the flesh must reap of the flesh, corruptions.
The context though is when Jesus went to heal. He asked is it more easy to forgive sin or to heal? So we are talking about forgiving someone's sin in connection with Healing.
Can someone sow sin and mess in their life, that causes them to reap of the flesh destruction?
If one of us Goes to God and asks for Mercy, Lord forgive them so no sin or devil is in the way so that they can be healed?
Did not James say the Prayer of faith Saves the sick, and if they committed any sin it's forgiven?
If we prayed for people, and God did not forgive, but what the people did remains on them. Then by right, the devil does have a place to destroy them. They have to fully reap what they have sown.
So what is harder? Say be healed in Jesus name, or Be forgiven, Have mercy on them God?
Thanks Mike, good to be here.
Hermeneutics /hɛrməˈnjuːtɪks/ is the theory of text interpretation, especially the interpretation of biblical texts.
I agree that we do indeed need the Holy Spirit, when properly rendering the written word, which is why Jesus said the Father sent Him. However there is a way to do that and a way not to. Saying the Holy Spirit told me without any kind of exegesis, IMO doesn't hold water.
IMO Paul clearly explains this in Gal 6 and it doesn't relate ONLY to the flesh, but to all things we do in our lives.
"Give and it shall be given to you" as Jesus taught in Luke 6:38 (NIV), is another example of that.
Yes, men sow in sin and reap the consequences thereof, both Christians and unbelievers.
Jesus knew what was at the basis of peoples sin and sickness, and was very aware of all that went on while He was on earth. It would be nice to think that all of us as His followers (Christians) could do this but the reality is we all CAN'T.
When Kathryn Kuhlman was well know, she said that when God told her to lay hands on someone because He was going to heal them, He DID, but when she just prayed for someone who asked here to, healing was on a hit and miss basis. We of course strive to be Christ LIKE, but in reality we are NOT Christ.
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