Does Money Really Buy Happiness?

What do you think the "all" that it says, really is......... in an ordinary paragraph?

Exactly what Jesus said. You can have all the riches in the world and that still won't get you into Heaven. He is the only way that any of us are able to. So money might not buy joy, but it buys happiness as so many have pointed out to me on here.
Exactly what Jesus said. You can have all the riches in the world and that still won't get you into Heaven. He is the only way that any of us are able to. So money might not buy joy, but it buys happiness as so many have pointed out to me on here.
What you just said is true. But it is nowhere near what Jesus said in that verse.
What you just said is true. But it is nowhere near what Jesus said in that verse.

Well, that's just what I gathered from it. What was He really saying about it then? I am also about to write a question in Bible study, maybe you can help me out there too.
Well, that's just what I gathered from it. What was He really saying about it then? I am also about to write a question in Bible study, maybe you can help me out there too.
"No", this is your statement that the verse "said it all." I don't care to argue. I just want you to explain why Jesus was specifically pointing out "rich" people as opposed to poor or middle-class people.
"No", this is your statement that the verse "said it all." I don't care to argue. I just want you to explain why Jesus was specifically pointing out "rich" people as opposed to poor or middle-class people.

Well, that depends what Jesus views as rich. Having lots of money, or having lots of faith. I'm still not quite sure I understand your point though.
One thing I have come to believe from almost 73 years on this planet is that if someone cannot read some Scripture, and then turn around and explain what they read in plain "American" English to a classroom of elementary school children.... then they probably aren't really too certain, themselves, of what they just read.
One thing I have come to believe from almost 73 years on this planet is that if someone cannot read some Scripture, and then turn around and explain what they read in plain "American" English to a classroom of elementary school children.... then they probably aren't really too certain, themselves, of what they just read.

Yeah. I think that part has already been established. I just told you what I thought it meant, so what does it really mean then?
Yeah. I think that part has already been established. I just told you what I thought it meant, so what does it really mean then?
I could only tell you what I happen to think it means. And I won't do that. I feel this is something for you to ponder. If you stay with the same thought you have already expressed, then so be it. THAT will simply be what you believe.
I could only tell you what I happen to think it means. And I won't do that. I feel this is something for you to ponder. If you stay with the same thought you have already expressed, then so be it. THAT will simply be what you believe.

I could like that comment a hundred times if I could buddy.
If ANYONE ever tells you they can say what every verse you might come across means, RUN FROM THEM. Of course many people can tell you what their study, reasoning and logic points to as the probable answer........ but that alone, does not make their POV the truth.

Because, despite that VERY abused verse about "private interpretation", all Scripture really does come down to meaning to each of us, what WE finally interpret it to mean......... UNLESS we are too lazy to ponder it, and just accept what someone else tells us we are to believe. (And I'd say, unfortunately, about 90% of the church does just that.)
I'm so glad that somebody finally agrees with me.
2 cents don't buy much!
Willie T is right. If you have money you could help others, if you don't you can't even help yourself.

You're both right. The way the world system is set up, yeah it takes cold hard cash to do certain things. But it comes when it's needed. At least for me it does. It's no big feat for God to put money into peoples hands.

I remember hearing a testimony. A lady was behind in her mortgage or whatever by like 4300 dollars and some change. She was about to lose her place and didn't have a dime of the money towards it. She went out to lunch with her GF and while they were eating a man walked up to the table and handed her an envelope. He said god told him to draw out this much money today from the bank and give it to whom He will show you to during the day. He had never met her, but it was the exact amount that she needed to save her place. Even the change.
It is Bible reading time and I found this Bible verse where Jesus says in the book of Mark Chapter Ten Verse Twenty-Five; (or at least in my Bible)

"I'd say that it's easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for the rich to get into God's kingdom."

I think that that pretty much says it all. Just something to think about.

Jesus is saying that it's difficult for a rich person to get into heaven.
Why do YOU think it's difficult for a rich person to get into heaven??

Jesus is saying that it's difficult for a rich person to get into heaven.
Why do YOU think it's difficult for a rich person to get into heaven??

Because you can't buy or earn your salvation I would think.
Because you can't buy or earn your salvation I would think.
I believe it's difficult for a rich person to get into heaven because they feel like they have it all. They feel they don't need anything, including God. They don't have to pray because they feel so strong and above it all. Most persons find God when they're at the bottom of the barrel, when they've tried other things and they don't work. IOW, when they're desperate. Maybe rich people never feel desperate enough.

This is not true for everyone. There was a millionaire couple in the last church I attended and the loved our Lord as much as anybody. Not every poor person finds God either. But anyway, that would be the idea.
I believe it's difficult for a rich person to get into heaven because they feel like they have it all. They feel they don't need anything, including God. They don't have to pray because they feel so strong and above it all. Most persons find God when they're at the bottom of the barrel, when they've tried other things and they don't work. IOW, when they're desperate. Maybe rich people never feel desperate enough.

This is not true for everyone. There was a millionaire couple in the last church I attended and the loved our Lord as much as anybody. Not every poor person finds God either. But anyway, that would be the idea.

You're both right. The way the world system is set up, yeah it takes cold hard cash to do certain things. But it comes when it's needed. At least for me it does. It's no big feat for God to put money into peoples hands.

I remember hearing a testimony. A lady was behind in her mortgage or whatever by like 4300 dollars and some change. She was about to lose her place and didn't have a dime of the money towards it. She went out to lunch with her GF and while they were eating a man walked up to the table and handed her an envelope. He said god told him to draw out this much money today from the bank and give it to whom He will show you to during the day. He had never met her, but it was the exact amount that she needed to save her place. Even the change.
The part where many people will not accept something like this is that many Christians insist that anyone hearing from God is not going to have $4,300 in the bank to give to anyone. They say that a "True Christian" will give away any extra money at the end of each paycheck. I say that is some of the dumbest thinking in the world. What inheritance are you going to leave for your children if you have nothing?.... And the Bible is full of people leaving inheritances to their children.
Nowadays, 401k plans have replaced traditional pensions. Someone with $5000 in their 401k or IRA is not rich. Since they can only safely withdraw 4% each year, that would be $200 per year retirement income. That's less than $17 per month. Abject poverty. Companies expect their employees to manage their own retirement plans. Most employers don't send retirees a monthly check anymore. The exception being public jobs, which still have traditional pensions.

People would need $500,000 in their 401k or IRA to safely withdraw $20,000 per year. That, along with Social Security, would put them them smack dab in the middle class. Neither rich nor poor, and they have enough monthly income to help support missionaries and such.

Warren Buffett and Bill Gates are rich. They have many billions of dollars. Much more than they will ever need. They have a great responsibility. More will be expected of them. Much more.
The part where many people will not accept something like this is that many Christians insist that anyone hearing from God is not going to have $4,300 in the bank to give to anyone. They say that a "True Christian" will give away any extra money at the end of each paycheck. I say that is some of the dumbest thinking in the world. What inheritance are you going to leave for your children if you have nothing?.... And the Bible is full of people leaving inheritances to their children.

well some people are led by the Spirit and some are not. All we have to do is to look around us and we can see that the governments counterfeited everything and want the people to look to them for their sustenance, but the people are supposed to be their own welfare system, and take care of each other. Mankind is a social creature and would die alone. We need each other and everyone should do their part. No wonder they used to divvy stuff up the way they did in the OT. Which family, how many members, apportion so land for them...make sure everyone got a cut and had what they needed.

It's a barn raising at Edward's this weekend There's no garage at this house. Come one come all, and next spring, we'll raise you a barn, lol. Who's turn is it to take a plate of dinner to the widow Jones? Or invite her over for supper...A system like this wouldn't be hard to implement at all.
Nor was there anyone among them who lacked; for all who were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, and laid them at the apostles’ feet; and they distributed to each as anyone had need. Acts 4:34-35 NKJV