Does Money Really Buy Happiness?

ok, I am not the one to really dole out advise on this. I know some of this from my wife's disability and how she hated and still hates that I must work more to keep the ship going. of course money cant buy it all, but a decent wage does make life a bit more enjoyful as one can go do things that one wants that may cost a lot. I'm not talking about doing something to keep up with the jones' but the trips, places to see. I would love to go photo a lot places and also sell what I can. I have been told I can make money at it. yet selling my product is what I need to do and also finding a niche that people will buy. as there is so much competition here

That's what I miss the most about Colorado. When I lived out there, all a guy needed was gas money, maybe a cooler with some odds n ends in it and a gun. They mountains were right there. Some people save up and make a special trip to Colorado just to experience the mountains and all of nature...what I would do on a weekly basis at least when I was there, lol. Nothing special is needed to be bought to go spend time in the mountains or camping. You got to eat whether you stay home or go up the hill so it really just came down to the gas money, lol. It was like being on permanent vacation.
I love to camp. There's absolutely nothing else in the world like enjoying God's beauty of nature. :)
I love to camp. There's absolutely nothing else in the world like enjoying God's beauty of nature. :)
Camping is one thing.
Mountains are all up and down hill...I hate the climb.
But a house out in the middle of nowhere... awesome.
But even then my tastes are so varied that I have to go to town for shopping trips. Brazilian coffee, tahini paste, extra virgin olive oil, kosher salt, European sausages and cheese, and Indian tea and spices.... only going to be had in the city.
Camping is one thing.
Mountains are all up and down hill...I hate the climb.
But a house out in the middle of nowhere... awesome.
But even then my tastes are so varied that I have to go to town for shopping trips. Brazilian coffee, tahini paste, extra virgin olive oil, kosher salt, European sausages and cheese, and Indian tea and spices.... only going to be had in the city.

Climbing the mountain is the easy part, it's the height of it that comes with getting to the top that freaks me out.
Climbing the mountain is the easy part, it's the height of it that comes with getting to the top that freaks me out.
I have to be watched at heights...I don't have any respect for them. It's not a lack of fear...I simply don't respect them. I concentrate too much on my tasks at hand.
I have to be watched at heights...I don't have any respect for them. It's not a lack of fear...I simply don't respect them. I concentrate too much on my tasks at hand.

Would that be avoiding falling and dying perhaps? Because even though I'm a believer that is certainly an issue for me. It's like that song Kenny Chesney sings. Sure I am looking forward to going to Heaven, just not to keen on going right now. (unless He calls me)

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God said to feed the poor. How can you feed the poor if all you have at the end of your paycheck each week is $14?

That's the thing right there. It's not about if you can "afford it" or not. 14 bucks is enough to feed a homeless guy a good 10 dollar meal and give him bus fare. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Something always happens, things have a way of working out. And it isn't money, it's God. I have been on both sides of the coin too. I've had periods where I was flush with cash and other times, had nothing. I was sleeping in my truck. I wound up helping the poor more when I was homeless too than I did as a general rule when things were better for me. One thing seems to stand out is that...I can't really say that I was missing any meals.

Where people make the mistake is to make money their focus and not God. The Lord taught me that real good before. I was in financial crisis time and prayed in the morning for help (work) so I could pay bills...and then later in the day I'm over at my buddy's house and I'm hittin' him up for a loan because I need money, and the Lord nailed me with the thought, hey what kind of faith is that? Didn't you ask for my help this morning? So what, now you don't want me to help or what? So I backed off of borrowing money. Things worked out fine when I had some patience and let it go and waited. The scripture is true, seek God first, and all those things will be added unto you. I pray for money less and less anymore. It sorta seems like a stupid prayer. I just pray that things will work out the way that He wants them too. We don't need money to live as near as much as people think that we do. You might need cash if you want to go to the store and buy some shiny thing, lol. But what is that? It's bunch of junk and consumerism is ultimately a deception upon the people. This is not to say that the Lord hasn't given me money before. He sent an Angel to my garage sale that asked me how much do you need? How much for everything on that table over there? 1900? How about 2400? ...He clearly over-paid me for my household junk, he was there to help in response to my prayer. There was a couple other times he gave me money, but not as much as that time.

Money will not buy happiness. Rich folks just have bigger headaches, bigger financial problems, that's all. Being able to be content where you are at in life buys happiness. When you lay your problems at Jesus feet and let it go in faith in Him and not worry about it, a spiritual assurance and peace will come and light upon you in response. They don't call Him, The Comforter for nothing.

I had just fixed my last pot of coffee one morning and then I was out, and no money to go buy more. I thought about praying about, but decided not to on the thought of, He knows what we need before we even I didn't pray about it, and you know what happened? 2 pounds of fresh coffee beans knocked on my door less than an hour later. A buddy of mine. Here Ed, I know you liked coffee so I brought you this...he could not have known that I was out of coffee. The way I figure it, it was exercising my faith in the Lord to have decided not to pray about it and ask for coffee so in response to that faith, He had some coffee delivered to me. When it he walked in and handed it to me, I had just poured myself the very last was time to put on another pot, and there it was. Right on time. Praise the Lord!
That's the thing right there. It's not about if you can "afford it" or not. 14 bucks is enough to feed a homeless guy a good 10 dollar meal and give him bus fare. Tomorrow will take care of itself. Something always happens, things have a way of working out. And it isn't money, it's God. I have been on both sides of the coin too. I've had periods where I was flush with cash and other times, had nothing. I was sleeping in my truck. I wound up helping the poor more when I was homeless too than I did as a general rule when things were better for me. One thing seems to stand out is that...I can't really say that I was missing any meals.

Where people make the mistake is to make money their focus and not God. The Lord taught me that real good before. I was in financial crisis time and prayed in the morning for help (work) so I could pay bills...and then later in the day I'm over at my buddy's house and I'm hittin' him up for a loan because I need money, and the Lord nailed me with the thought, hey what kind of faith is that? Didn't you ask for my help this morning? So what, now you don't want me to help or what? So I backed off of borrowing money. Things worked out fine when I had some patience and let it go and waited. The scripture is true, seek God first, and all those things will be added unto you. I pray for money less and less anymore. It sorta seems like a stupid prayer. I just pray that things will work out the way that He wants them too. We don't need money to live as near as much as people think that we do. You might need cash if you want to go to the store and buy some shiny thing, lol. But what is that? It's bunch of junk and consumerism is ultimately a deception upon the people. This is not to say that the Lord hasn't given me money before. He sent an Angel to my garage sale that asked me how much do you need? How much for everything on that table over there? 1900? How about 2400? ...He clearly over-paid me for my household junk, he was there to help in response to my prayer. There was a couple other times he gave me money, but not as much as that time.

Money will not buy happiness. Rich folks just have bigger headaches, bigger financial problems, that's all. Being able to be content where you are at in life buys happiness. When you lay your problems at Jesus feet and let it go in faith in Him and not worry about it, a spiritual assurance and peace will come and light upon you in response. They don't call Him, The Comforter for nothing.

I had just fixed my last pot of coffee one morning and then I was out, and no money to go buy more. I thought about praying about, but decided not to on the thought of, He knows what we need before we even I didn't pray about it, and you know what happened? 2 pounds of fresh coffee beans knocked on my door less than an hour later. A buddy of mine. Here Ed, I know you liked coffee so I brought you this...he could not have known that I was out of coffee. The way I figure it, it was exercising my faith in the Lord to have decided not to pray about it and ask for coffee so in response to that faith, He had some coffee delivered to me. When it he walked in and handed it to me, I had just poured myself the very last was time to put on another pot, and there it was. Right on time. Praise the Lord!
That whole story happened because he had the money to buy it for you. If we all think we are supposed to be poor, then no one has enough to help anyone else.
That whole story happened because he had the money to buy it for you. If we all think we are supposed to be poor, then no one has enough to help anyone else.

True that in this economy! But it has no bearing on if we should still help or not. The little old lady who gave two cents to the church gave more than the rich guys who put fat checks into the plate, because the Lady gave from her sustenance money while the rich guy gave from his excess so hers was the more important offering. Given from the heart instead of from the excess.

And the guy with the coffee didn't really buy it for me. It wasn't his money. The Lord knew this would happen this day so He made sure that my buddy was able to bring me coffee that day. Provided to him first, to provide to me later. Lol.
Camping is one thing.
Mountains are all up and down hill...I hate the climb.
But a house out in the middle of nowhere... awesome.
But even then my tastes are so varied that I have to go to town for shopping trips. Brazilian coffee, tahini paste, extra virgin olive oil, kosher salt, European sausages and cheese, and Indian tea and spices.... only going to be had in the city.
Geez but you're a demanding one!
True that in this economy! But it has no bearing on if we should still help or not. The little old lady who gave two cents to the church gave more than the rich guys who put fat checks into the plate, because the Lady gave from her sustenance money while the rich guy gave from his excess so hers was the more important offering. Given from the heart instead of from the excess.

And the guy with the coffee didn't really buy it for me. It wasn't his money. The Lord knew this would happen this day so He made sure that my buddy was able to bring me coffee that day. Provided to him first, to provide to me later. Lol.
2 cents don't buy much!
Willie T is right. If you have money you could help others, if you don't you can't even help yourself.
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. 1 Timothy 6:10 KJV
Yes. It can also bring sorrow. If one accumulates material goods thinking it'll bring happiness, he will b e sorely disappointed.
Yes, its a balance, which is why most people are better off in the middle. They are not tempted by wealth or poverty.

And don’t make me either rich or poor; just give me enough food for each day. Proverbs 30:8b NCV
It is Bible reading time and I found this Bible verse where Jesus says in the book of Mark Chapter Ten Verse Twenty-Five; (or at least in my Bible)

"I'd say that it's easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for the rich to get into God's kingdom."

I think that that pretty much says it all. Just something to think about.
It is Bible reading time and I found this Bible verse where Jesus says in the book of Mark Chapter Ten Verse Twenty-Five; (or at least in my Bible)

"I'd say that it's easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for the rich to get into God's kingdom."

I think that that pretty much says it all. Just something to think about.
What do you think the "all" that it says, really is......... in an ordinary paragraph?