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BenjaminTC said:This is no mystery; he's just an innerrantist. The flat, immovable earth is the literal interperatation from the bible. I don't see why most fundamental Christians don't buy into this, its just as illogical as YECism.
I'm not aware of the flat earth concept originating in the Bible. I believe that is a myth perpetuated by people who enjoy attempting to discredit the Bible in any way they can.
The following verse is kind of interesting in that respect:
KJV Isaiah 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:
The Hebrew for "circle" in that verse is "chug". It is a noun created from the verb spelled chet-waw-gimel which means "to encircle". While "circle" doesn't necessarily imply "globe", it could be referring to that shape.
Btw, I haven't been a Young Earth Creationist since I was in high school. I accept the Day-Age theory as a reasonable possibility. I don't think the earth is only six thousand years-old, but neither do I necessarily believe that it is 4.5 billion years old. I also accept the possibility of at least two separate creations of mankind (in God's image): Hunter-gatherer man on the sixth day (Genesis 1:26-29) and agricultural man on the eighth day (Genesis 2:7). It's interesting to note that Yahweh never names Adam. The KJV rather arbitrarily starts using the title "ha-'adam/the man" as a personal name in Genesis 2:19.
I don't need to believe in the Geocentric Model. I just want to honestly weigh the evidence to determine whether it is totally impossible or not. I'v posted about this on other forums as well, and I find it interesting that the more people know about science and astronomy, the less irritated they are by the matter (unless they are die-hard atheists of course).