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Jay T said:The Book satan hates above all others, including the Bible is....the Great Controversy (Revelation 12:17).
The book 'The Great Controversy', by E. G. White, 'details' Revelation 12:9, which says.... Rev. 12:9 "And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him".
The Christian world has either ignored this Bible verse, or is totally ignorant of it.
And yes, this Bible verse was 'partially fulfilled', in the time of Noah's flood, when satan deceived millions of people, and none excaped but 8.
However, we are told in Matthew 24:37-42, that the deception would happen 'again', as in the time of Noah, where satan would deceive the whole world, again !
The book, The Great Controversy....details 'HOW' satan will deceive the 'whole' world, including the Christian world.
I understand that this Book can be read on-line, for those interested in understanding satan's deceptions, and wish to avoid satan's traps.
I would read it, but Jay, I was reading on another message board that she wrote, that the Jesuits would infiltrate the Adventist Church. That sounds pretty fishy to me.