Merry Menagerie
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- #61
northstar said:But that's the thing though - the sexual act in itself isn't a sin. Fornication and adultery is.
But isn't fornication sex before marriage? So if sex=marriage, how can there be such a thing as fornication?
Also, to the woman at the well, Jesus said "you've had five husbands, and the man you're now living with is not your husband". If sex=marriage, that would mean she was living with the guy but not sleeping with him.
mustn't have been sleeping with him then. So it's five husbands huh - I always thought it was seven. Oh well. Point is the same. Just to clarify, that I don't believe that sex in itself is a sin, I believe it's a beautiful gift from God, fornication and adultery is a sin though because fornication and adultery hurts others and is selfish (also, adultery may no actually involve sex but it's hurtful just the same) .
Found some definitions of 'fornication' for you...
"Fornication" ( Greek word, "porneia"=prostitution) is an abusive, selfish sex that is hurtful and unloving towards others, It is sex for the self and the self only. It is sex for hire, services for pay. It is use of the body for means other than love. Real sex is for the other, a giving of love, a sharing of self, a bonding of spirit, a joining of souls. Real sex is free of charge, moving towards a special intimacy where two human beings communicate and connect in no other way that brings closeness to a higher realm. Nowhere does the Greek word, "pornos" define itself to mean government issued marriage certificates. This has been a misinterpretation from the early days of the post New Testament church,
Anyway I've only just started looking into this stuff because up until now I've only ever listened to 'pastors' and their interpretation of what the bible says and never really looked at it myself. When I've actually looked there hasn't been a marriage ceremony or marriages ordained by a clergy etc. They've only ever been a covenant between the man, woman and God - I've found celebration of marriages in the bible but just not actual ceremony or instructions on 'how to's' of marriage. I just found it interesting is all.
Personally, for me, I married my husband 10 years ago but I felt that we were married before God before we were married according to the law - that's why I was looking into it.