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Drugs/Marijuana & the Bible


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aLoneVoice said:
Gabby - just to help me understand - if what you are saying is true, then shouldn't the verses you quoted mean that ALL types of 'drugs' should not be used? Such as asprin, caffefine, etc, etc?

ZaksDarlin said:
And let's not forget the most common type of drug used everyday, nicotine!

I would like to know your response, Gabby.


That is all between you and God. It is a matter of your faith, not mine. It is a matter of you seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. You not only will not, but can not obey the Word of God based on something that I believe. It does not matter if we are discussing smoking pot, taking asprin, eating ham, or what day the Sabbath is on and what you should be doing with it.

Mat 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Jam 4:8 Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. .....

You see, my experience with other people has been that if one is seeking God, and are asking me out of a pure heart what my opinion is of something in their life, then I can point out some Scriptures and they can settle the matter with God themselves. A younger Christian, asking me about some particular topic because they want to keep some sin in their life and want to fight for it, then it is pointless. They must want to give it up for the Lord.

If, on the other hand, the person is not a Christian at all and is looking for some matter of faith in my life that they can ridicule, mock and degrade, and hold it up for others to throw stones at (Pun intended) then it would be silly to continue the discussion.

The simple fact that this thread is a discussion on drug use and the Bible, is at best ~ suspicious. The simple fact is that you guys are interested in if I drink soda pop or use aspirin is suspicious. Trying to justify drugs, and use Scripture to do it...well it removes all suspicion. What I do, or do not do is totally irrelevant to your relationship and obedience to Christ. Your focus then is not on the Word of God in relationship to drug use, but on me.

:smt018 No, no, no.

I posted from the Word of God, and I can not rewrite it to suit you. You simply have to take it or leave it. Your argument from here on out is with God, not with me. It is His word that I posted. If you have read many of my post, you will soon see that I am an advocate of prayer. ASK HIM. If you are a born again Christian, seeking His will for your life, you can ask whatever you want and He will answer you. Ask Him what He thinks about smoking pot, drinking beer, taking asprin, or anything else that is on your mind. When the answers come directly from Him, you will respond to it much better than "Thus saith Gabbylittleangel".

(And the forum said "Amen".) :-D

In a thread about faith recently, it was pointed out that each person is given a measure of faith. I posted in response that while we are each given the same measure, that faith then grows. It is also up to us if we put 100% of our faith in God, or some of it in Him and some of it in other things.

I wish you guys the best in finding the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. May you grow in faith and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. I will be praying for you.
It is a great site. Thank you.

Gabby, I wasn't necessarily looking for your opinion to deem it appropriate, I was only wondering your thoughts since you sem to know alot about it.

So, to add another question, was marijuana translated from any word in the bible which would lead us to believe that the scriptures said ANYTHING about it? (I believe it was called sweet calamus). And how is it considered the holiest of ointments being that God gave Moses the ingredients of the most holy annointing oil that included sweet calamus?

I'm not sticking up for marijuana, I'm just trying to figure out why it is considered so bad when it was used for holy oils and how is it condemned
yet Included as part of holy oil used to bless people and things?.
I just did a word search on it. It looks like something may have been penciled in, in between the lines of your references.
You are gonna have to provide your reference material, as well as the chapters and verses that you refer to. Then I would have to see how you get from your references to the verses that I posted without finding any contradictions.
Gabbylittleangel said:
You are gonna have to provide your reference material, as well as the chapters and verses that you refer to. Then I would have to see how you get from your references to the verses that I posted without finding any contradictions.

"Moreover The Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Take thou also unto thee principal spices, of pure myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, even two hundred and fifty shekels, and of sweet calamus two hundred and fifty shekels, And of cassia five hundred shekels, after the shekel of the sanctuary, and of oil olive an hin: And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, an ointment compound after the art of the apothecary: it shall be an holy anointing oil." (Exodus 30:22-25 KJV)

As plainly described, the Biblical reference to calamus is merely as one of the ingredients in the Holy Anointing Oil. It doesn't justify drug use, particularly in light of what else it has to say about how the oil was to be used, and who was permitted to use it.

"And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, saying, This shall be an holy anointing oil unto Me throughout your generations. Upon man's flesh shall it not be poured, neither shall ye make any other like it, after the composition of it: it is holy, and it shall be holy unto you. Whosoever compoundeth any like it, or whosoever putteth any of it upon a stranger, shall even be cut off from his people." (Exodus 30:31-33 KJV)

As plainly stated above, the Holy Anointing Oil was to be used only for anointing articles of the Tabernacle and the priests. It was not to be used for anything, or anyone, else - anyone who did was cut off from Israel, and God. The "dope" proponents carefully leave that part out of their "proof" because what they are pushing is a self-serving delusion. It destroys their argument.

What else does the Word of God say about getting "drunk," which literally means "stupefied (i.e. made stupid) by a chemical substance," whether from dope, or from excessive alcohol consumption? Is it "holy to get high"?

"Who hath woe? who hath sorrow? who hath contentions? who hath babbling? who hath wounds without cause? who hath redness of eyes? They that tarry long at the wine; they that go to seek mixed wine. Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder." (Proverbs 23:29-32 KJV)

"Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise." (Proverbs 20:1 KJV)

"Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness" (Romans 13:13 KJV)

Does the Word of God plainly warn that "drunkards" are among those who will not be in the Kingdom of God? (Galatians 5:19-21)

It is more clear now how it is unacceptable by any means other than an annointing oil. Anyone agree? And how also, alcohol of any form is highly disapproved. So, my interpretation of it all is that drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited.

Veritas - Ezekiel 34:29 is about food and hunger, ZaksDarlin, you've posted the KJV, here are other versions that might be clearer for you....

Is there a problem with the KJV? I mean, which version of the bible would have the most truths in it, before it had been rewritten over and over...?
Here are a couple of web sites that I found when I googled Calamus. ... PgoddV_Kuw

The wikipedia has a photo of the plant.

If you are interested, the Scriptures are full of information on health, diet, plants, and healing. It sounds to me as if, perhaps, you are new to the Christian faith. You can find a lot of information on mental health, thought life, and the love and joy and peace that can come from Jesus Christ. There is also a lot to be said about deliverance for anyone that has a substance abuse problem.

As far as any specific reference to marijuana, I have never seen it. I think the references to magicians, sorcery, and witchcraft can all be used to cover drug use.
Not that you implied or assumed, I just want to let you know that I do not have a substance abuse problem :angel: I'm an addiction counselor. I am only interested in other people's thoughts on the subject, as well as, useful information for anyone who ever does come through the clinic asking for help on marijuana. Personally, we have yet to see one come through, it's mostly for crack/cocaine, heroin, alcohol and nicotine.

This turned out to be a very interesting topic of conversation :)
Gabby - please understand that I am not attempting to justify anything. And if you must know, I have never tried, nor will ever try any form of illegal drug.

In fact, I have counseled people away from using illegal and legal drugs (alcohol and tobacco).

However, I questioned you because of a statement that you made:

In my copy of the Scriptures, Jesus went around healing people. Sometimes just by speaking the Word, sometimes by laying hands on the sick. The apostles did likewise. I never see Him command anyone to pop a pill, to smoke anything, or inject anything.

You made it sound like someone who did pop a pill was somehow less Christian or at the least, not obeying Scripture.

You also made reference to mind-altering substances. Which caffefine would be included as a mind-altering substance.

You have also given quite a detailed description of what I can only assume you believe is a caution of using doctors. I could only assume that you meant all doctors (like a dentist).

Again - if I have offended you, then please accept my apology. But on the other hand, I do not apologize for asking questions and delving deeper. I am not attempting to ridicule you or your beliefs - but at the same time we are to be ready to defend what we believe - 1 Peter 3:15
ZaksDarlin wrote:
Is there a problem with the KJV? I mean, which version of the bible would have the most truths in it, before it had been rewritten over and over...?

It's not my intent to undermine the truths of the Bible, I think the KJV is fine and contains just as much truth as the others I quoted; KJV just uses older words that may be used to refer to other things nowadays.

This could swing the discussion in a whole new direction (sorry!), or maybe you could open up a new thread if you like, but there is astonishing historical accuracy in Biblical texts, so please don't worry too much about the veracity of the Bible we have today. The book "Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel is a great book on that subject.
I have a forming opinion about the war on drugs and maybe how it is always harder to keep it going. Alcohol is a far more dangerous substance, I've been around drunkards. While people who smoke a lot of marijuana are not violent in the slightest. At least not to my knowledge. Prohibition works in a perfect world but unfortunately if somebody wants a substance bad enough they'll do whatever it takes to get it. Thus crime is born. And I don't even think legalizing marijuana would stop drug related crime though it might put a heavy dent in it. There are still a lot of the worse drugs out there that I don't think should be legalized under any circumstance. But over time I'm starting to think maybe legalizing marijuana wouldn't be so bad. I think about all the people wasting away in prison for simply having the stuff on them and it just doesn't seem fair to me. Prisons should be used for killers and rapists and thieves.

Like someone said before, if America wants to get drunk they'll break the law to do it. Same for getting high. How can this be stopped without legalization? If anybody has any good ideas I'm all ears. This country is only getting worse. If the drug was legalized people would probably just get high all the time the say way alcoholics get drunk all the time. I don't think you can become addicted to marijuana but who knows what path legalizing it might lead us? I mean we all have our theories but I guess if we could look at other examples that are similar to ours we could come to some kind of conclusion.

I've been put in a position to see how illegal drugs and the law can mess up somebodies life from a side line perspective. So I'm starting to see all this in a different light.
THC in pill form is given to cancer patient at the time they are receiving a chemo treatment by medical facilities where the treatment is performed. It is the reason there is less nausea caused by the chemo.
Considering how lawless the border is between the US and Mexico most of it due to drugs from Mexico flowing into our country. And the fact that trying to stop them doesn't seem to be working and the situation on both sides only appears to be getting worse...

Would you legalize pot?
Those verses you refer to are taken out of context and wrongly applied. The Bible does not promote or condone illicit drug or alcohol use. Anyone who claims it does it severely twisting scripture.
Marijuana is against the law in the US; there is a good reason for it being so.

If you want to know why it's against the law, ask a solid person in law enforcement who has had to contend with someone high on pot.

God's Word tells us to be sober in all we do. When someone is high on pot, s/he is not sober, not in control of his/her actions.

'Nuff said.
THC in pill form is given to cancer patient at the time they are receiving a chemo treatment by medical facilities where the treatment is performed. It is the reason there is less nausea caused by the chemo.
It isn't the same as regular marijuana. On the plus side, it doesn't have most (but it does have some) of the carcinogens found in naturally-grown pot. On the minus side, it doesn't have cannibanol, the natural oil of the marijuana plant that is thought -- just thought, not proven -- to be beneficial against seizures.

Overall, there are far better analgesics and anti-nausea medications than Marinol, which is the pill you're talking about. Marijuana is far more harmful than regular cigarettes, and on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being totally ineffective and 10 being a "magic bullet" for pain, THC in pill form or cigarette form is about a 4.5. Given its other negative effects -- for example, smoking it will kill you about three times faster than regular cigarettes -- THC should remain illegal.
Oddly enough I've been hearing a lot from libertarians about legalizing marijuana. I don't know exactly to what extent. I wonder why I hear it from them even more than say, democrats?
I'm the first to oppose illegal drugs.

What I don't understand is why, after marijuana has been decriminalized in some jurisdictions, some politicians and big corporations claim to be against legal, reputable research into medicinal benefits of marijuana. (I think I know, why, though: huge corporations which make a lot of profits from expensive medicine would lose a lot of money if a safe and far cheaper alternative were eventually developed).

But like I say, I'm the first to oppose illegal drugs.


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