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Bible Study Earth is 6000 yrs old?


According to the Bible, earth is 6000 years old, right? Where can I find this in the Bible? When was Adam & Eve created?
It's not in any one place. You have to add together how old people were when their children were born.

The TOG​
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The Bible doesn't say that explicitely.
You have to make a number of assumptions to get to that conclusion, for exmple the assumption that the 6 days of creation were actual days (24 hour intervalls). Most christians don't make that assumption and thus most of us don't believe the Bible makes any statement about the age of the world.

As far as I know the 6000 years are the result of calculations some Genesis literalists made based on the genealogies in the book of Genesis that describes the line of descent from Adam to what was present in the day the lineage was written down. The genealogies tell us who was who's father ad how old was he when he got his first son, and so on. Thus scholars claim to know how many centuries ago Adam walked on earth, and since he was made on day six we can know when the world was created.

That's why some christians believe in that ureasonably young age of the earth. Evidence shows the world must be a lot older.
It's not in any one place. You have to add together how old people were when their children were born.

The TOG​
that's what I thought. I haven't read much OT, I'm reading NT always when I read the Bible (every day). Wasn't Adam and Eve created in sixth day? Dinosaurs were living at that time too?
Man was created on the 6th day. Dinosaurs aren't mentioned, but I think we can assume that they are included in the "living creatures" (Gen. 1:24) and "beasts of the earth" (Gen. 1:25).

The TOG​
Personally I don't believe it matters one way or the other, but here's something to think about.

Genesis 2
1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,

How long is a generation?
The Bible doesn't say that explicitely.
You have to make a number of assumptions to get to that conclusion, for exmple the assumption that the 6 days of creation were actual days (24 hour intervalls). Most christians don't make that assumption and thus most of us don't believe the Bible makes any statement about the age of the world.

As far as I know the 6000 years are the result of calculations some Genesis literalists made based on the genealogies in the book of Genesis that describes the line of descent from Adam to what was present in the day the lineage was written down. The genealogies tell us who was who's father ad how old was he when he got his first son, and so on. Thus scholars claim to know how many centuries ago Adam walked on earth, and since he was made on day six we can know when the world was created.

That's why some christians believe in that ureasonably young age of the earth. Evidence shows the world must be a lot older.

Good answer Claudya, not that you needed my input. I sat under the teachings of a man who was an expert on creation events. I can't remember his name but he wrote many books on the flood, creation and the like. The book on the flood was a masterpiece, I wish I still had it. A book that is available thru CBD is a book by David Montgomery titled, Rocks don't lie. It sounds like a good book to study. The point I'm trying to make is, when a geologist examines the earth crust and Rock formations they discover strange things like fish skeletons on top of high mountains, and pine cones in Florida and palm tree remains in Maine. all suggest a earth wide flood that carried what was in the sea to tops of mountains and what was on mountains to the bottom of the sea....All this disapproves the earth millions of years old to a much younger age because the rock formations show the results of a flood, not millions of years old.
Personally I don't believe it matters one way or the other, but here's something to think about.

Genesis 2
1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.
2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,

How long is a generation?

Gary, is that you?? You're not handsome, you're funny looking. :rofl2
If you're smiling...mission accomplished. :sohappy

If I can make at least one person smile...

Oh my, you made my day! I hope you saw the humor in my response. I meant it to be funny, not a slam. I'll just bet you're a good looking Dude.
Oh my, you made my day! I hope you saw the humor in my response. I meant it to be funny, not a slam. I'll just bet you're a good looking Dude.

Looking quite dapper yourself there BB Chop chop.
Oh the Topic yeah.

I think the intention of the Bible is to initially present God as the creator of everything and then flesh out His relationship with, and desires for, us. I've noticed recently Christians are debating more over YEC/OEC and it's mainly because YEC knows OEC allows time for the evolution model which is seen as removing God from the creation process. I think the debate is an unnecessary distraction from the Gospel.

In saying that I lean towards and old Earth and don't think genealogies can be used to give a 6000 yo figure because often "father" in the Bible can mean other than a persons direct parent. ie. it can also mean great great grandfather etc. This is called telescoping genealogies I think.
For a long time now, everything that I have studied from theologians and Christian geologists say we are approximately 6000 years old. now, the number of completion with God is 7, therefore we might figure that at the end of 7000 years, Jesus will be coming back. Obviously, no one knows exactly when that will be so we can't set any dates. Some try and guess a generation but that would be almost impossible or downright foolish.

It is fun to think that Jesus might come at anytime because some say that the thousand year reign of Jesus is figured into the equation, therefore Jesus could come tomorrow, uh, right now! :dancing