Got; This may not be your belief but is mine.
So, what do we make of this? What significance does this torn veil have for us today? Above all, the tearing of the veil at the moment of Jesus’ death dramatically symbolized that His sacrifice, the shedding of His own blood, was a sufficient atonement for sins. It signified that now the way into the Holy of Holies was open for all people, for all time, both Jew and Gentile.
When Jesus died, the veil was torn, and God moved out of that place never again to dwell in a temple made with human hands (
Acts 17:24). God was through with that temple and its religious system, and the temple and Jerusalem were left “desolate” (destroyed by the Romans) in A.D. 70, just as Jesus prophesied in
Luke 13:35. As long as the temple stood, it signified the continuation of the Old Covenant.
Hebrews 9:8-9 refers to the age that was passing away as the new covenant was being established (
Hebrews 8:13). Also Eph 2: 1 -15 says old law done away with even the commandments. we no longer need any of the old law God will write in our hearts laws and commandments for us to follow. And Matt 23 shows do not call church leaders Father or Rabbi and that means do not call apostles Father or Rabbi imo