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Elenin: Does it 'Fulfill' Biblical Prophecy on 9-29-11?


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Good for you! It's not real anyway. I believe in using my mind & any talent I may have for more positive, peaceful & fruitful endeavors. Life is too short anyway! :biggrin
Yeah and these end of the world things are just irritating to me they make me worry. I just want to drive a car first before it does end seriously, being able to drive opens up like 200 new ways I can express freedom.
Hi Pizzaguy,
What i mean to say is that it is a ''start of things'' on a level of prophecy.
Lets wait and see?
Well, Elenin did not survive it's approach to the sun and is pretty much debris.

It never came closer than 21 million miles from earth, and we are all not dead.

I wonder what the next woo-woo conspiracy will be?
Well, Elenin did not survive it's approach to the sun and is pretty much debris.

It never came closer than 21 million miles from earth, and we are all not dead.

I wonder what the next woo-woo conspiracy will be?

Say it ain't so! I so much want to believe in 'strology because that's what the wise men practiced, and I just know I'm wise like them because surely the Holy Spirit has led me to ALL truth, even about stuff I've never thought much of before.:shrug

Besides, Elenin was never going to be as bad as its successor; Estalin.:squinting
Well, Elenin did not survive it's approach to the sun and is pretty much debris.

It never came closer than 21 million miles from earth, and we are all not dead.

I wonder what the next woo-woo conspiracy will be?

Obviously, you don't understand that this is just the first of many astronomical signs "in the heavens" that portend our doooooooooooom!

With this post i never said the world would end.
Only that it might be the start of things.


Notice how the people that start these threads never "man up" when they are proven wrong?

Sorry. I'm just tired of "chicken littles" always preaching doom and gloom. :nono2
9-29-11 right now and nothing. The comet is 90 times farther away from us as the moon is from us. It wont even be close enough to do anything!
Meteor Outbreaks In Florida, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri, Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana,_Mississippi,_Alabama,_Louisiana.html

Bright Meteor Fireball Detected North of Cranbrook, BC Canada 26SEP2011

Bright Meteor Fireball Detected North of Cranbrook, BC Canada Sep26 09:59:57UT

Detected bright flaring fireball low to Northern horizon bearing 22 degrees.

Event occurred at 2011Sep26 09:59:57 UT (3:59 Mountain Daylight Time). Attached Allsky composite photo has North at 12 o’clock, East at 9 o’clock. Some thin cloud in that direction. The video showed the fireball flare, explode, then dim down to a dot before fading out. Close, but it likely never impacted...

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