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Bible Study Ephesians 4:11 - 16 Scripture says we need all five.

I would like to become an apostle.

How do I become an apostle?

What must I do?

I see lots of people calling themselves apostles, so maybe it's an easy thing to do/be?
since the begining god through christ called apostles it is how god deals with the earth the devil and demons through out history god has called and equipped someone to stand in the office .god set first in the church apostle ::the church not a church. ie: jesus his the head of his body which is the church. (the) there is a natural body and there is a spiritual body. have you heard of a man who ws called by god as an apostle (his name was smith wigglesworth he lived in england the church of the day didnot like him he never wrote a book or organized a church when he went home 1947 he left behind no organization or denomination there is nothing to show in bradford england now of his existence but through him god raised more than 26 peoplefrom the dead ect you can find on line the prophecy that god gave him. the word and the spirit are to be one )........(god has no grandsons
as to the question about how to become an apostle it is god who calls and equips no man or men can call someone to be an apostle
I would like to become an apostle.

How do I become an apostle?

What must I do?

I see lots of people calling themselves apostles, so maybe it's an easy thing to do/be?

First you need to be faithful in a ministry calling. You just don't step into the Apostle calling without being proven first. You also need to be called into that ministry.

Act 13:1 Now there were in the church that was at Antioch certain prophets and teachers; as Barnabas, and Simeon that was called Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and Manaen, which had been brought up with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.
Act 13:2 As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.

As we can see, Paul (Saul) did not start his ministry as an Apostle. He had to be faithful in what the Lord gave him first.


I would be interested in reading 'job descriptions' for each of these, from what you guys have in your heads.
The positions are listed in order of progression and faithfulness.

All positions are anointed to teach as a teacher. Teaches are known for powerful and anointed teaching that makes sense and impact. Their focus is teaching and not so much operating in the gifts.

Pastors (Shepherds) are anointed to take care of the barn and sheep (Church and people) and gives direction for his flock by the Holy Spirit's direction. Any Gift can operate for the flock but they normally take on the administration work (Direction of the church) and teaching anointing.

Evangelists Go out and draw people to the Lord. Normally they travel and those they bring in go to local churches. Gifts of Healings are often seen in this ministry. Much like Philip and Timothy. In fact Philip had to travel around and the Lord translated him from one place to another to get him where he needed to be.

Prophets Exhort, and edify. Words of wisdom, Words of knowledge, Healing, Prophecy, gift of faith (Faith beyond our revelation) Spiritual discernment (Seeing into the realm of the spirit) often operate in the prophets ministry. They normally travel.

Apostles. These folks go out to the darkest area's and start new works. All the gifts normally operate in their ministry. Baptist call them missionaries since the Word Apostle had been done away with. They often take the role of Pastor, or whatever the Lord needs to get these works started.
The positions are listed in order of progression and faithfulness.

All positions are anointed to teach as a teacher. Teaches are known for powerful and anointed teaching that makes sense and impact. Their focus is teaching and not so much operating in the gifts.

Pastors (Shepherds) are anointed to take care of the barn and sheep (Church and people) and gives direction for his flock by the Holy Spirit's direction. Any Gift can operate for the flock but they normally take on the administration work (Direction of the church) and teaching anointing.

Evangelists Go out and draw people to the Lord. Normally they travel and those they bring in go to local churches. Gifts of Healings are often seen in this ministry. Much like Philip and Timothy. In fact Philip had to travel around and the Lord translated him from one place to another to get him where he needed to be.

Prophets Exhort, and edify. Words of wisdom, Words of knowledge, Healing, Prophecy, gift of faith (Faith beyond our revelation) Spiritual discernment (Seeing into the realm of the spirit) often operate in the prophets ministry. They normally travel.

Apostles. These folks go out to the darkest area's and start new works. All the gifts normally operate in their ministry. Baptist call them missionaries since the Word Apostle had been done away with. They often take the role of Pastor, or whatever the Lord needs to get these works started.

I disagree with your interpretation here of Apostle.
There are missionaries out there today that quit because they realized it's not for them.
There are missionaries that don't even believe the truth of the Gospel.
There are people claiming to be Apostles because they went to heaven and God told them to start a new way.
There are Apostles that have been given that title because they were given it by other so-called Apostles.
There are cults being led by Apostles (Mormons for one).

If I'm going to be an Apostle, I'd like the position clarified better.
Hi Tagan, an Apostle certainly should be a disciple of Jesus Christ.
Disciples are followers of Jesus Christ.
Apostles are leaders.
Where that leadership comes from is being questioned here.
no one knows really what an apostle except an apostle. 1:god setfirst in the church first is a spiritual equiping from god the father all true apostles will have personal visitation from christ they will be taught and trained by the holy spirit i will add this doesnot make them special in fact true apostle would seek that all other would have a deeper knowledge of christ they would freely acknowledge all that they know is chris. ie it this nothing of themselves to god alone be the glory.most of us need to re-read ephesians again all of the five fold gifts are first for the church-----not a so called church.what did christ say about johnthe baptist if you look in the greekit says (aposttelo) apostle christ said more than a prophet. in ancient languages it was an envoy sent by a king to make the road flat level to remove any obstacles so that the kings chariot would have a safe jouney
apostle will have a deeper revelation of the already complete word in each generation god has called some one to that office ie: martin luther the established church was preaching a false douctrine so god raised up luther gave him a deep revelation of romans 8 he nailed it to worms so called
cathedral. another apostle in history was dowie who left scotland and went to australia were he was a minister of a congregational church they had an outbreak of the plague many of the congregation died he got angry (righteous indignation ) talked with god and god revealed to him that this was not of him ie the plague he applied this a mediately he laid hands on the sick and they were healed he was sent to america and many were-healed nexted came john g lake smith wigglesworth and so on

I would be interested in reading 'job descriptions' for each of these, from what you guys have in your heads.
We have the apostles and prophets recorded in scripture, so there seems no need for any individual today to assume these offices unless they have a something new, which I would be suspicious of, considering if their contribution is valid, then why was it not available to those who came before? Thus the only offices that I believe are today filled by individuals among us are those of evangelist, shepherd, and teacher. We still have all five, but our access to two of the five is only through scripture.
We have the apostles and prophets recorded in scripture, so there seems no need for any individual today to assume these offices unless they have a something new, which I would be suspicious of, considering if their contribution is valid, then why was it not available to those who came before? Thus the only offices that I believe are today filled by individuals among us are those of evangelist, shepherd, and teacher. We still have all five, but our access to two of the five is only through scripture.
god set in the church first apostles and second prophets -------let god bo true and every other person a liar romans 3 god is no respector of persons his gifts and callings are without repentance there is no shadow of turning with god
We have the apostles and prophets recorded in scripture, so there seems no need for any individual today to assume these offices unless they have a something new, which I would be suspicious of, considering if their contribution is valid, then why was it not available to those who came before? Thus the only offices that I believe are today filled by individuals among us are those of evangelist, shepherd, and teacher. We still have all five, but our access to two of the five is only through scripture.

Good answer Sinthesis, but unfortunately, many do not believe it.
People talk of Apostles today and I say "How do I become one?" and nobody can give me a scriptual answer.
I am set back by people claiming to be Apostles and their ministries do not line up with the Gospel.
Many Christians today claim to have new revelations (prophecy), thus offsetting God's word (Sola Scriptura).

Listen to me everyone, the enemy wants all of us to drift away from the truth, then he can lead us down the wrong path.
Stick with God's word, don't stray because of your desires.
Second Peter is clear about false doctrine entering the church, it entered the church before he died and he had to correct it. Many people say God is sovereign and controls all things, then that same person states that God must depend upon man too or He can't carry out His plans for all of mankind. Before there was nothing there was God. There was nothing that was before God. He was not created, but He created all things. Scripture is clear that tongues was a language that could be understood as when the disciples spoke in tongues on the day of Pentecost each who heard in his own language could understand what the disciples were saying. Today, the so called tongues can't even be interpreted by its speaker. In the Word of Faith movement, they blame everything on satan as if he was equal to power with God. If cancer befalls a person, it is satan's doing. If a loved one dies, it is satan's doing. Etc., etc., etc. No, we have disease due to sin and willful disobedience to a Holy God who declares us righteous through the redemptive blood of His Son our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. For if one comes to you with a new doctrine that we have not preached know that it is not from God but of satan who is the great deceiver. Pride caused Adam and Eve to sin, which led Adam to blame God (the woman who YOU gave me), which led to our sin nature. We are not sinners because we sin, we sin because we are sinners. The seraphim and cherubim in Isaiah worshipped God by calling Him Holy, Holy, Holy. When the presence of God graced the nature of man, man fell down prostrate in the presence of a Holy God. Today, we should fall prostrate in the presence of Holy God and know that nothing we do will thwart Him from carrying out the purpose of His plan that was formed by His council for His Own good pleasure. Instead, we come to God without reverence to Who He is and what He has done. If God crushed His Own Son for those whom He loves, how much more reverence should we be knowing that He owes us nothing and we all deserve hell? God is not dependent on man for anything as man has so believed, therefore what God has already revealed needs nothing new added to it and is therefore not from God but false teaching rapped up in man's words to be given to the itching ears and heart's desire of those who do not understand the Gospel for the Gospel is understood by the Spirit which testifies with our spirit when we are revealed as children of God. Joseph Smith was an apostle with new revelation. Mohammed was an apostle with new revelation. Jim Jones was an apostle with new revelation. Look, come, he is in the desert! Come, look, he is here! He is here, come, look! Do not go, for many will come claiming to be Me but you will not miss Me when I come for I come with the power and glory of My Father in heaven.
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I would be interested in reading 'job descriptions' for each of these, from what you guys have in your heads.

Hi friend Reba:wave It's been a while since looking at this thread. I noticed your question and thought about it a while. You and I both know how far the "church" has drifted from those wonderful 1st Century house churches. Goodness, when you and I were young:woot2church was different than it is today. I heard about hell from several preachers, today? NOT!

So my answere to your question is, Apostles and Prophets should be operating in our churches today, like Mike wrote, but they would not be welcomed at all! An Apostle would continually check up on the churches that he established and a Prophet would not always say nice things to church people like they do today.