Yes, ESP and telekinesis are different things. Telekinesis (if real) is an action you take to cause an effect. ESP is a sense you have that gives you knowledge you wouldn't have sensed through your normal 5 senses. Jesus said with faith we can tell the mountain to move and it will move. If taken literally, this would be telekinesis through the power of God. (We have to be careful because these things can also come from Satan.) ESP could be sensing the Holy Spirit is telling you to go and counsel a person about their drug abuse when you had no earthly way of knowing they were a drug abuser. (Once again, we have to be careful to know it's really the Holy Spirit and not Satan or not simply a mental condition causing this. If the result is that the person really was a drub abuser and your talk with them brought glory to God in some way, then you can rest assured it was the guidance of the Holy Spirit that you perceived.) Over time, a Christian with this gift learns to recognize the subtle difference between sensing the Holy Spirit's guidance and just hearing his own imagination.