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Eternal life


I am writing to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ the son of God. So will you accept the sacrifice Jesus made by giving up his life to save yours, so that if you believe that he died on the cross, and if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that he was rose from the dead on the third day by God the father, you will be saved. He did it all to offer you eternal life, and forgiveness of your sins, to pay off your sin debt. The debt that you owed God because of your sin that separates you from God that debt you could never pay off, that Jesus paid it in full having nailed it to the cross.

So will you receive the free gift of pardon from your sins, and accept the free gift of eternal life? Will you accept the free gifts by praying the sinners prayer ?
Now please if you want to go to heaven, and receive the free gifts please pray with me by using your mouth and speaking pray this with me. Please Pray ( dear Jesus I believe that you died on the Cross for my sins, I acknowledge that I am a sinner, and I know I can't save myself. I ask you to come into my heart, and save me, and forgive me of my sins. I confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord, I repent of my sin. I accept you as my Lord, and savior I call upon your name Lord Jesus amen) Remember Jesus loves you so much he died for you!!

Now if you prayed this prayer, said it out aloud, and believed in Jesus. you are saved, which means you now a christian, and is going to heaven. Also remember you can't ever go to heaven by being a good person for the bible says there is none good, but one, and that is God. So will you pray the sinners prayer, and accept Jesus as your Lord, and Savior?????????????
So will you accept the sacrifice Jesus made by giving up his life to save yours, so that if you believe that he died on the cross, and if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that he was rose from the dead on the third day by God the father, you will be saved.

Hi greatnews,

Welcome to the site. Based on what you said, I don't understand why Jesus had to be sacrificed, and why believing in Jesus saves me.

He did it all to offer you eternal life, and forgiveness of your sins, to pay off your sin debt. The debt that you owed God because of your sin that separates you from God that debt you could never pay off, that Jesus paid it in full having nailed it to the cross.

I don't really understand what you mean by sin. I live a very moral life, pay my taxes, I don't beat my children, and frankly, I make a lot of money. So, I don't understand the need for salvation. Also, what do I need to saved from?

So will you receive the free gift of pardon from your sins, and accept the free gift of eternal life?

Are you calling me a sinner? I would say you're offensive to call me a sinner.

Now if you prayed this prayer, said it out aloud, and believed in Jesus. you are saved, which means you now a christian, and is going to heaven. Also remember you can't ever go to heaven by being a good person for the bible says there is none good, but one, and that is God. So will you pray the sinners prayer, and accept Jesus as your Lord, and Savior?????????????

Again, you haven't convinced me that I am a sinner, because I don't know what sin is. I don't know what it means to 'accept' Jesus in my heart. I don't what you mean by a 'good' person. I think I am a good person.

Just to keep from confusion, I am a Christian, but your presentation of the Gospel will leave an unbeliever confused based on the points I've made. Although I understand what you are saying, at least I think so, your faith in Jesus appears sound, and it certainly takes courage to serve the Lord. I'd be glad to discuss this with you further and or provide you with some resources to help you share your faith.

I'm happy you have come to CFnet.

- Davies
I am writing to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ the son of God. So will you accept the sacrifice Jesus made by giving up his life to save yours, so that if you believe that he died on the cross, and if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that he was rose from the dead on the third day by God the father, you will be saved. He did it all to offer you eternal life, and forgiveness of your sins, to pay off your sin debt. The debt that you owed God because of your sin that separates you from God that debt you could never pay off, that Jesus paid it in full having nailed it to the cross.

So will you receive the free gift of pardon from your sins, and accept the free gift of eternal life? Will you accept the free gifts by praying the sinners prayer ?
Now please if you want to go to heaven, and receive the free gifts please pray with me by using your mouth and speaking pray this with me. Please Pray ( dear Jesus I believe that you died on the Cross for my sins, I acknowledge that I am a sinner, and I know I can't save myself. I ask you to come into my heart, and save me, and forgive me of my sins. I confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord, I repent of my sin. I accept you as my Lord, and savior I call upon your name Lord Jesus amen) Remember Jesus loves you so much he died for you!!

Now if you prayed this prayer, said it out aloud, and believed in Jesus. you are saved, which means you now a christian, and is going to heaven. Also remember you can't ever go to heaven by being a good person for the bible says there is none good, but one, and that is God. So will you pray the sinners prayer, and accept Jesus as your Lord, and Savior?????????????

What spirit is this from?

I recognize this spirit that Peter spoke from when he said... Lord we will not let this happen to you. The same concern for the cause of men is being displayed here.
What spirit is this from?

I recognize this spirit that Peter spoke from when he said... Lord we will not let this happen to you. The same concern for the cause of men is being displayed here.
it is the spirit that confesses that Jesus is the christ come in the flesh
Hi greatnews,

Welcome to the site. Based on what you said, I don't understand why Jesus had to be sacrificed, and why believing in Jesus saves me.

I don't really understand what you mean by sin. I live a very moral life, pay my taxes, I don't beat my children, and frankly, I make a lot of money. So, I don't understand the need for salvation. Also, what do I need to saved from?

Are you calling me a sinner? I would say you're offensive to call me a sinner.

Again, you haven't convinced me that I am a sinner, because I don't know what sin is. I don't know what it means to 'accept' Jesus in my heart. I don't what you mean by a 'good' person. I think I am a good person.

Just to keep from confusion, I am a Christian, but your presentation of the Gospel will leave an unbeliever confused based on the points I've made. Although I understand what you are saying, at least I think so, your faith in Jesus appears sound, and it certainly takes courage to serve the Lord. I'd be glad to discuss this with you further and or provide you with some resources to help you share your faith.

I'm happy you have come to CFnet.

- Davies
believing in Jesus saves you and it had to be done because it was the only way to take away your sins so you can be forgiven and go to heaven, because the bible says without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sin, and sin is anything that breaks Gods law, really anything done without faith is sin, and there is none good is what Jesus says, so why do you think your good for?
anymore questions?
anymore questions?

I'm not sure you understood my post with what you've written. I already know the things you've shared, and I agree with you. I never had any questions for you. My point in responding to your presentation of the Gospel was to say the unbeliever would be confused by it.

- Davies
I'm not sure you understood my post with what you've written. I already know the things you've shared, and I agree with you. I never had any questions for you. My point in responding to your presentation of the Gospel was to say the unbeliever would be confused by it.

- Davies
I understood your post, I was just saying that incase anyone had those questions, and also you don't have to know all that to be saved a person either believes that the gospel or they don't
Greatnews, do you believe the "sinner's prayer" has, in and of itself, the power to save? Should the sinner pray that prayer and "feel" saved?
I don't really understand what's going on here. Why is greatnews being refuted?
To me his post looks pretty much like the flyers I used to hand out... no room for a sermon, brief, to the point.
Prayer to Christ isn't wrong. Confessing one's sin isn't either. Wanting to be with Him in Heaven sure isn't against scripture. And a plea toward repentance is what we all should be doing.

Anyone who honestly prays what's called the sinner's prayer is definitely on the right track to changing the mind and heart to claim Jesus is right and I am wrong.


Rom 5:8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us..
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Potluck, if you're referring to me along with others, my question was an honest one out of curiosity. I'm uncomfortable with someone sending the message that people can say a simple prayer and walk away feeling dramatically different, because I believe it will likely leave them feeling let down. True, they're on their way. It's a starting point in allowing oneself to be Transformed.

I believe this notion does them a disservice.
How do you know what's in someone's heart before saying the prayer? How do you know they were led or weren't led to take that first step? Let's face it, all sorts of distractions can and will get in the way. We can do nothing about that. But how can He sift the wheat from the chaff when there's no harvest in the first place.

Being let down is a fact of life. There are no guarantees of a risk-free life. There are no guarantees of a risk-free salvation. Many are called but few are chosen. What then? Don't put out the call?
Anyone who honestly prays what's called the sinner's prayer is definitely on the right track to changing the mind and heart to claim Jesus is right and I am wrong.

Let me try and communicate more clearly, and understand my critique of greatnews' Gospel presentation is not intended to discourage the spreading of the Gospel but perhaps to sharpen the presentation so a person will understand more specifically what the presenter means.

I've listened to and been involved with hundreds of witnessing encounters, and the objections that I stated earlier, not knowing what sin is, accepting Jesus into my heart, and knowing what a 'good' person is, are clear indications that people don't understand these terms or phrases.

Also, being led in the sinner's prayer can be problematic, though not necessarily. If you committed adultery against your wife, and you were repentant, would you have someone lead you to your wife and say, 'Now say what I say,' with your wife standing next to you? Your wife is going to question if you are truly sorry. I would suggest asking the person if they would like to pray, and allow them to pray for themselves. Often times, when the person prays for themselves, you will see they don't understand the Gospel yet. They'll say something like, 'I'm sorry for my sin. Help me to be a 'good' person, so I can be forgiven and go to heaven.' Now you can readdress the person's understanding there is nothing they can do as far as good deeds to be saved. Doing good deeds which people think makes them a good person is one of the most common misunderstandings of the Gospel, and if you take a person through the sinner's prayer when they don't understand what it means to be a sinner, you will likely create a false convert. They'll experience happiness with their faith for a time, but when the sun comes up, trials and tribulations will disillusion the person and they'll give up because their faith doesn't correspond with the Gospel.

If you ask a person if they have violated any of the Ten Commandments, they'll understand they are sinners based on God's law and not society's. Also, after they have confessed to violating God's law, 9 times out of 10, if you ask them if they deserve to be punished with God's justice, they will tell you no. Shocking. They'll deflect and say, 'I'm not that bad, or it's not like I've killed someone. Another example is if you ask them if they committed adultery. They'll say no. But often, they'll disagree with Jesus' words that , 'Whoever looks upon a woman to lust after her has committed adultery already with her in his heart.' God required the ugly, horrific, suffering death of Jesus on the cross because of our sin, and if a person doesn't understand that they deserve to be treated like that, they are not ready to be saved.

I shouldn't have to convince anyone of the sinful state of our churches here in America, and I think it's directly related to false converts. We need to be more careful than our doctors who perform surgery on us, because eternity is at stake.

- Davies
...are clear indications that people don't understand these terms or phrases...
...being led in the sinner's prayer can be problematic...
If you committed adultery against your wife,
...If you ask a person if they have violated any of the Ten Commandments...

All I see here is opinion. Not everybody is going to experience these things, not everybody is going to react so and not everybody is going to duplicate a hypothetical scenario.

When it gets to the point that we begin to judge what might work, what makes more sense, who is a good candidate or what the best circumstances are or will be then we short change those who may have been served in spite of our objections. We can't know what seeds will grow whether they are planted gently, scattered over the earth or stomped into the ground. So we do it any way we can as long as the Word gets out. Some seeds won't grow but others may even under the most adverse or unlikely conditions.

Shout it from the roof tops if one feels compelled to do so. Pass out handbills if you are led to doing that though you may feel nobody will read them. Talk to anybody regardless if you think they'll know what you're talking about or not. Curiosity is a funny thing. One never knows. Post the message of Good News anywhere you can if the spirit leads you. Or even if it's just something you feel like doing at the moment. Whatever.

Staying quiet through doubt helps only the enemy. And seeding doubt means something else will grow where an oak could have stood.

Always, always, always encourage even if you think someone is doing it wrong. If you have that opportunity then teach, nurture and nudge with tact. If the other fellow or gal's hair is on fire then grab hold real tight and hang on. There's nothing like being around a new Christian when his/her enthusiasm is fresh, new and yes, maybe clumsy. That in itself will boost one's faith. I've been on both sides of that one and oh what a ride :D
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All I see here is opinion.

I'm willing to go through what I've shared in order tho share my faith more effectively. If greatnews or anyone else thinks what I'm saying doesn't make sense, I'm willing to discuss it. Again, if a person doesn't understand their need for salvation, and thinks believing in Jesus is a life improvement program, they will sorely be mistaken. Though I understand not everyone reacts the same way, I still think it is a good idea to address what I think are real concerns when it comes to sharing the Gospel.

- Davies
How do you know what's in someone's heart before saying the prayer? How do you know they were led or weren't led to take that first step? Let's face it, all sorts of distractions can and will get in the way. We can do nothing about that. But how can He sift the wheat from the chaff when there's no harvest in the first place.

Being let down is a fact of life. There are no guarantees of a risk-free life. There are no guarantees of a risk-free salvation. Many are called but few are chosen. What then? Don't put out the call?

Me thinks you're introducing additional factors to the scenario than what my post said. My concern is when we give the impression that we recite the "Sinner's Prayer" and through those words alone, we will feel everything change. When this is done, I believe it creates an expectation that stands a good chance of being unmet. I don't know how the OP feels about the Sinner's Prayer, so I'm not judging him on it.

If we're not being destructive to each other, isn't there some value added when we sharpen the metal of someone's evangelical message? Can't we advance the Kingdom by saying in effect, "What you're saying is true, but it might be more significant to them if you didn't make it so 'neat and tidy'".

This is a bad comparison, so please bare with me to the final point.

It's akin to the Prosperity Gospel. This message will too often leave people wondering if they have any faith at all. "I don't have a Lexus parked in my driveway. What's wrong with me?" Not only can this leave someone disappointed, it can leave them feeling unworthy. "I must not be a true believer.". This is a very sad outcome of the "Name it, Claim it" message.

And I believe the same unworthiness can be felt when we tell others to say the Sinner's Prayer & be saved. If/when they feel no different than they did before they uttered the words, they could feel let down.

I'm just saying we need to encourage them to more, and through more, than the Sinner's Prayer.