He tells use exactly who it is (the persons are) to whom this statement applies;
Matthew 7:21 (LEB) “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of heaven, ...
The ones that have
said "
Lord, Lord" (i.e. YAHWEH of the OT) to or about this Jesus of Nazarath, yet in reality don't enter into Heaven are the ones Jesus says, "I
never knew you" to. I never said it was about an atheist or outright denier of God or all lost people or anyone other than who Jesus Himself says it's said to. So, when you say:
This is a false claim and amounts to nothing more than red herring. You could call another person dishonest toward the actual Text, I suppose, if that person thinks/says this passage applies to "every single lost person, categorically and without exception", but I never said that. You did, about me. I can speak for myself and my own thoughts.
The reason I brought it into the conversation is that these are exactly the type of persons you claim were once saved (vocally claiming Jesus is LORD, YAHWEH, i.e. God of the OT) yet you claim are no longer saved.
This is Jesus (not just me) claiming they never were really saved (He never knew them). Even if they've said or will say
Lord, Lord to Him. But you are right that it has nothing to do with atheist, or cats, or dogs. But you are wrong to say I am claiming it does.
In this passage Jesus is quoting or alluding to Psalm 119 and applying it to Himself. An obvious claim to His divinity. But also an important point is being made from Psalm 119:
Psalm 119:2 (LEB) Blessed are those who keep his testimonies; they seek him with a whole heart.
Clearly Jesus is teaching His disciples and the mixed crowds following/listening to Him by the Sea of Galiliee that there are whole hearted believers (keepers of His Testimones who are blessed-who enter Heaven) and there are half-hearted 'believers' in Him (who are not blessed-who
do not enter Heaven-who act lawlessly-and who Jesus
never knew). But sure, there are those people outside of these two categories who have never (not yet anyway) said Jesus is Lord. I'm speaking of atheists and others of this sort of people. So no, I'm not making the mistake of applying this verse to all lost people uncategorically. But it does apply to those that claim to be Christians (which is the topic if this thread).
But toward your point (
I never knew you, isn't said to ALL who say Lord, Lord yet do not enter Heaven but rather only a subset of everyone who says Lord, Lord. Only the ones that specifically say to Jesus "
did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name’. I need to ask you:
Are you aware of any person (besides Jesus) that does not, has not, practiced lawlessness?
Matthew 7:23 (LEB) And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
I thought all people (save Jesus) practiced lawlessness on occasion. So Jesus clarifies who He means by "
them" in the context of the whole passage to include v21 and even Psalm 119. Out of all (
everyone) who says Lord, Lord to Him, He declares "
I never knew you" to only those who have not meant it with a whole heart. Very much like (if not identical to) those Paul spoke about that "believed in vain, past tense" living in Corinth on his first trip there. These are the types of people that so easily can out-right denounce Christ. But they don't even need to go that far in their clear demonstration to you/me of not being saved.
Heck, even some people that still say Jesus is Lord were never actually saved to begin with, much less those that no-longer say it.
Salvation is a heart issue, a whole heart issue. Always has been, always will be.