Could you kindly replace your signature? Thanks.
Your reasons for refuting evolution are understandable, but your methods...
You need to sharpen your strategy. If this was a court of law and you were the prosecutor, you'd be hit with a mass of objections and the judge would probably call a mistrial.
I'm not a believer in the idea that we share a genetic line with any other part of creation, but I do understand the evolutionary process as they teach it. You are grossly misrepresenting their side.
They require empirical proof for all that surrounds them, for whatever reasons. Maybe some are believers but are still analytical in some areas. Maybe some are agnostic and some are atheist. Your faith will always be a stumbling block, for them... and for you. That's not a put down at all; your faith is very simple and fundamental and we can respect that, but respect works both ways.
Let the past be a guiding light. I'm not saying these people are right, but lets not forget the great works of men like Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, etc. They were men of faith, but were not treated as such by the Church. Nevertheless, they forever changed the relationship between Faith and science.
Science is not just a bunch of people looking to disprove God; for many, science is a tool used to try and figure out God's methods of Creation.