i already posted to 100% truth about the reason they accept evolution .
In the last few decades, numerous scientists have publicly admitted that their real reason for accepting and promoting the theory of evolution is that, although the scientific evidence for macro evolution is non-existent, the only logical alternative was special creation by God.
Since that biblical alternative was absolutely unacceptable to their atheistic convictions, thousands of scientists chose to ignore the evidence they encountered in their own field that proved that chance and mutations could never explain the marvelous design and biological complexity that life displays
Prof L.T More, with the university of Cincinnati , spoke of the "faith" in evolution when he acknowledged the conflict between personal belief and scientific evidence" Our faith in the doctrine of evolution depends upon our reluctance to accept the antagonistic doctrine of special creation" Prof More acknowledged the profound philosophical problem faced by scientists when they confronted the overwhelming problems now facing the ToE,
The reasonable view was to believe in spontaneous generation [evolution] ; [for] the only alternative, is to believe in a single, primary act or super natural creation. there is no third position, For this reason many scientists a century ago chose to regard the belief in spontaneous generation as a "philosophical necessity"
Significantly, British astronomer Pro Fed hoyle acknowledged that enormous problems existed with the ToE. Holye actually admitted that the only reason the ToE is still so wildly accepted in the scientific community, despite the virtual lack of scientific evidence , is due to the need of atheistic people to deny the scientific evidence that God created the universe. Remarkably, prof Holye wrote that the ToE survived despite that lack of evidence becuase the theory is "considered socially desirable and even essential to the peace of mind of the body politic.