- Jul 9, 2008
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Eh, no, I haven't, as I explained.Which is precisely what you have been doing, as I indicated.
Selective forgetting, indeed. Here you are:I don't recall saying that humans are descended from chimpanzees, but I'll look it up and correct the statement if needed.
Remember, the foot of the chimpanzee has to 'evolve' into the foot of the man.
Now the foot of the chimp has to 'evolve' into the foot of the man.
And your reply when I and cedward1 pointed out that evolutionary theory proposes no such thing:
Over to you.
I have no idea what this red herring of self-justification has to do with the misunderstandings and misrepresentations that you perpetrate (and perpetuate) yourself.I missed Barbarian's explanation of the origin of the a. psychological differences and b. the metatersal ligament differences.
I was appalled at the disgraceful lack of comprehension of the differences between the microscopic pores between alveoli and the totally different structure of the lung of the birds - so I did not pursue the matter.
You confuse appreciation with 'I don't believe X can have an evolutionary explanation, so it can't.' That's the incredulity I am referring to. I am criticizing not the presentation of the factual phenomena, but the pre-existing bias with which you present it and the disbelief of naturalistic explanations that you instinctively attach to it.I may express incredulity - but the flat-footed lack of, and any appreciation of, these factual phenomena which you first exhibit, and then attack me for, is, I feel, quite disgraceful in someone claiming some acquaintance with biology and the natural world.
A complete misrepresentation of how I have addressed your claims, comments, assertions, assumptions and questions. You are fixated on the picture you seem to have of yourself as the teacher here, presenting alleged 'facts' and then demanding that the class answer the two limited questions you have carefully framed and only those two questions. That's not the way it works. If you don't like your your claims, comments, assertions, assumptions and questions being challenged and are unwilling to reply to those challenges, then you shouldn't be presenting them in a forum where exactly that is going to happen.Not only that, but you have utterly failed to present any coherent accounting for the two questions which have been raised time and again. You have indulged in question-begging quite extensively, and in this post, there is a classic example which I shall belabour later.
Yes, you have.I have made no assertions in these accounts...
I have no idea what you mean. I thought you were addressing natural phenomena for which you believe the only explanation is supernatural?...and refuse to dehumanise my descriptions.
Plenty of those, a few of which have been pointed out.But to say that there are assertions which are unjustified...
Not so. I and others have questioned your sources and pointed to failings in them; most of the time you have simply ignored such comments....and to say that the sources are questionable is grossly unfair, and completely misleading.
There's another one of those assertions.The fact remains that there is an enormous number of such phenomena as I have been describing, for which evolution cannot account and can only fudge.
Nope, you present them with the demand that an explanation satisfactory to you in terms of evolutionary theory be provided, you have decided that no such explanation is possible, and so you declare a supernatural explanation to be the only alternative. Here's a thought to consider: explanations based on evolutionary theory are incorrect, but this does not preclude some other naturalistic theory. In other words, you are perpetrating the fallacy of the False Dilemma.I am placing them on the board in the hope that readers who have some admiration for the natural world can see them, and perhaps join with me in my admiration.
My idea of a Gish Gallop is a series of multiple C&P long-winded threads posted full of misunderstandings, misrepresentations, assertions, assumptions and claims that the originator offers and leaves hanging in mid-air with numerous counter-questions, arguments, comments and points left unanswered while s/he dashes off to start another one in exactly the same format. If the cap fits, you should wear it.If that is your idea of a Gish Gallop, then so be it,,,
Several posters have answered your empty claims, but you simply deny the validity of their points. You have quite failed to answer the overwhelming bulk of the questions you have been asked and points that have been raised around the material that 'informs' your two questions. Physician, heal thyself....but the fact remains that you have been completely unable to account for the origin and genome entry of any of the phenomena I have presented.
Oh, look, another assertion.The facts trample evolution underfoot as surely as a horse would
Poisoning the well and evidence of a mind already made up.My express intention is to destroy the theory of evolution, since it is a crassly incompetent theory...
Well that would be 'only support' apart from more than 150 years' evidence from multiple lines of scientific research, none of which we have seen you address. Your only argument against evolutionary theory is to present things you find personally incredible of naturalistic explanations, declare no such explanations possible, invoke a supernatural cause and declare evolutionary theory discredited as a result. Tell us again what kind of scientist you claim to be?...whose only support is the cunning debating tactics of its misguided supporters.
Well, what you should rather resent is the ignorance that leads you to categorize 150 years' of research and investigation and all the attendant evidence produced as a result as 'utter nonsense'.It is a disgrace to the fair name of Biology, and I deeply resent the utter nonsense that has to be invoked in order to shore it up...
Why should I be impressed with quotemines from words written more than 50 years ago? Can you source this reference, by the way?...'fragile towers of hypotheses piled upon hypotheses' as W R Thopson once described it.
Careful, your bias is showing.Rhea's theorising, if it can be dignified by that name, is typical of the torrent of tripe poured out by the evolution apologists. She is a chemist - but the stuff she has turned out would do credit to the junk the evolution establishment produces.
I can, however, see exactly where you are coming from and the dubious methodology that lies behind it.And you can't see it!
An assertion for which you have absolutely no knowledge at all. I disagree with you, therefore, that my education has 'blinkered' me. Can you offer any evidence beyond my disagreement with you that supports your claim?Why? Because you were taught it at school and in the university - and you are totally blinkered by your education.
However, as our knowledge is not 'restricted to the species presently existing on earth', your point in using what I presume is another quotemine from a secondary source that you have not checked for yourself is moot. If you believe that Stanley did not accept evolutionary theory, then you will believe anything.As Steven Stanley said in Macroevolution (p2): if our knowledge of biology was restricted to the species presently existing on earth, "we might wonder whether the doctrine of evolution would qualify as anything more than an outrageous hypothesis."
Except that we see plenty of organisms displaying intermediate and transitional features, so I suspect this is another carefully selected reference, especially as Denton describes himself as an evolutionist and has rejected biblical creationism (source: e n.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Denton).As Denton said in 1989, (Evolution: A theory in Crisis p 158)Without intermediates or transitional forms to bridge the enormous gaps which separate existing species and groups of organisms, the concept of evolution could never be taken seriously as a scientific hypothesis.
You have not shown that these 'blindingly obvious facts' exist at all and do what you claim they do, other than to assert this, so why you are so astonished that I don't accept your viewpoint is, itself, rather astonishing.Yet you support it in defiance of the blindingly obvious facts of natural history, and above all of palaeontology and biochemistry.
Assuming your conclusion. There was no 'first bird' that one day flew from Goya to Capistrano - or from Alaska to New Zealand - never having flown anywhere else before. You have an almost comic strip-like view of this phenomenon.How else do you account for their ability to migrate from Goya to Capistrano - or from Alaska to New Zealand? Apart from the usual tower of nonsensical hypotheses?
Plenty. Most of it you have simply ignored, the rest you have denied or handwaved away.Have you any evidence of your own assertions?
Unsupported assertions. Please show us how evolutionary mechanisms cannot produce the behaviour we see and how this behaviour cannot be genetically imprinted. Every time you have been asked to do this, you have simply refused to answer.Perfectly true. They cannot be created by evolutionary mechanisms, and they cannot enter the genome by evolutionary mechanisms.
And you putting something 'so picturesquely' is supposed to be evidence of what, exactly? Rhea has already pointed out to you that the very article you reference tells you that birds get lost and end up in places where they 'shouldn't'. You still haven't given us your account of how the England overwintering blackcap warblers came to change their behaviour. Do you seek a supernatural explanation for this, as well?As I put it so picturesquely: one degree off and the birds would be belly up in the Pacific.
More later.
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