I don't think anyone is saying the bible has 'self awareness" but rather can explain itself.....there is a big difference.
I can explain myself because I have self awareness.
The Bible cannot "explain itself" because it does not have self awareness and it cannot tell anyone in human language what it meant "by that."
The scriptures are consistent in their teaching. So I may get help understanding a passage by reading other similar passages and finding that consistency. But that is not the Bible interpreting itself. That is me looking up other passages and making a judgment on the meaning of the passage with which I am having difficulty. That is MY doing, not the Bible's.
To say that the Bible is self interpreting in nonsense. It does not interpret, or preach, or speak. We use our brains to read the words and to discern the meaning.
To say "The Bible tells me..." is a logical fallacy; an appeal to authority. If the Bible were a living being, I suspect it would be amazed and appalled at some of the things that people assure one another the Bible has said.
Could it be that the HS only reveals what truth we are able to understand and accept at any point in time?
At one point the Church, ostensibly led by the HS, decreed that the sun revolved around the earth.....it took many years before that belief was deposed. I, personally believe God only reveals to us what we are able to accept and need to know at any given time so that our knowledge grows over time.....not only of science but also of scripture.
I don't believe the Holy Spirit would reveal error yet some people declare "by the Holy Spirit" that if you are not filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues then you are not saved while others, also allegedly speaking by the leading of the same Holy Spirit declare that speaking in tongues is of the devil because all such gifts ceased with the death of the last apostle.
One group says that the Bread and wine of the Eucharist are the Body and Blood of Christ while another says the bread (soup cracker) and wine (grape juice) are only symbolic of the last supper. Both claim that the Holy Spirit told them so.
So, again, the appeal to the leading of the Holy Spirit is often another logical fallacy of appealing to authority whether the authority had anything to do with it no or not.
And, finally, my bottom line is that when people tell me that they are led by the spirit and that the Bible told them some new and wonderful revelation (whether it be a Rapture or a TULIP or an OSAS) I am less than assured of the accuracy of their assessment with regard to the origin of the wonderful revelation.
My assurance decreases even more when I see that they struggle with Modern English grammar and, yet, insist on referring only to the KJV which is written in Late Middle English, a language which they speak even less fluently than their native tongue.
that's all
iakov the fool