I recently saw that softball interview between Glen Beck and Ben Stein. He completely gave Stein a pass and let him skew what Dawkins was saying AGAIN. Stein even referenced Dawkins' online explanation for what he said in the movie, and then he pulled THAT out of context as well.

I suppose creationists are already used to selectively pulling evidence for their conclusion though. No surprise there, but it is annoying for Stein to publicly mislead people about Dawkins. It further spreads this moronic charade against evolution, even though just about every argument made in the film was shot down by the reasonable people in this forum.
The issues brought up with those 'persecuted' for ID beliefs were beyond weak, and we exposed it.
The film tries to tie evolution in with abiogenesis, which are unrelated, and we exposed it.
The film tries to associate darwinism with atheism and an absence of morality, which happens to lead to fascist ideals. This is this completely contradicted by several significant atheist/agnostic ethicists. In addition, the argument itself is a blatant
cum hoc ergo propter hoc mound of bull. By the same logic, we can assert that religion causes the absence of restraint towards child rape, suicide bombings, and murder.
The whole piece is laughable propaganda, and I transfer that laughter to anyone who actually finds it insightful. Those who do should honestly take a class in logic to understand and spot these hilariously terrible arguments, and then they should migrate on to some serious reading on the science they apparently don't have the vaguest idea about outside of a selectively quoted religious attack from creation-wiki.