- Dec 27, 2016
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- #41
Hi, I can kind of see what you are saying but Galatians answers that.You're right.
Abraham is the father of all who have faith.
And God's promise, of course, is also true.
But have you studied the Covenants?
Maybe not.
The Abrahamic Covenant was made with the Hebrews and stated what you have written above.
There have been many Covenants since then.
We Christians belong to the New Covenant.
For instance, the sign of the Abrahamic Covenant is circumcision.
The sign of the New Covenant is Baptism but some theologians believe it's the Eucharist/Communion.
The Law came through Moses
And just because the law came it did not annul the promises that God previously made with Abraham. We were able to see that no works of our own natural ability could Justify us before God through the law because of the weakness of our flesh, not because the law was not good and holy because the flesh is weak..So how do we get to enjoy the promises God made with Abraham?... Through the faithfullness of Jesus.
We uphold the law another way, not by our natural ability, but through the supernatural ability of Christ. Therefore while the law is not our source of Salvation it is still the course of salvation. So when I said enter into the Covenant of Abraham, recall that Abraham is the father of faith for those who would come to trust Jesus.
The law was put in place to show up sin, as you know not that anyone by their own natural abily would be saved by it.
So do you uphold the Law by faith? Then that is why I said enter into the covenant of Abraham.
Where by we receive the blessings of Abraham.
So I was saying if Abraham was told to walk blameless before God and He'd make a Covenant with Him...Then how would we enter that Covenant? By walking blamesless seeing that we're given the power of the Holy Spirit. As God was behind Abraham, and was able to make him stand if needed. WE HAVE THE Spirit too. Emanuel God with us.
"He received the sign of circumcision as a seal of the righteousness that he had by faith while he was still uncircumcised. The purpose was to make him the father of all who believe without being circumcised, so that righteousness would be counted to them as well"
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