What about worship music and the artists and the teachers and preachers all around the world?? That's ashame, because when I hear any kind of worship music that is anointed, it stirs up the HS inside of me. You're missing out on a lot, which begs the questions. What is your belief in who Jesus Christ is, and do you believe he is God deity? I believe you don't see evidence because you yourself are not saved yet?
What about the musicians and the preachers? How is their work evidence of God's HS in any way? For every musician that pour out their heart in song to the Lord, there are 100 other 'secular' musicians that put their heart into their music and that music moves its intended audience as well. Being moved does not the Spirit evidence. It instead is a testament to the power of music that people feel touched, moved, and lifted by song and cadence. And as far as preacher go, please don't get me started. For every preacher out their claiming to show people the Lord's way, there is another preacher out there claiming to be filled with the same spirit that will say the other preacher is spreading false doctrine. When God's Spirit was actually at work in the Bible days we didn't see such subjectivity nor was there so much dissent among the spirit filled that helped oversee the Lord's flock.
Even during my many 'saved' years I saw little evidence that the HS of God was at work in man today. Was I moved by song, YES (still am BTW), did preaching motivate and stir me, YEP, a good message that's pertinent has a way of affecting a man. But that was not evidence of the spirit being at work today. The evidences the saints of the 1st century displayed of being filled with God's spirit simply are rare or unseen at all today.