You have addressed so many subjects here. I'll try to be short as possible as each subject needs it's own thread.
Are you suggesting that starting food pantries and engaging in "all kinds of good works" could
ever be inconsistent with God's will for a church? Who is it that might be giving the pastor direction
not to do all kinds of good works - the Holy Spirit? It seems to me that these activities fit pretty squarely within the commandment to do unto others as we would have done unto us. "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
James 1:27.
There is not enough money, or resources to do everything per church. Not only that, different sheep fold have different paths and things to do. We are part of a body, we are not the whole body.
For example, my church spent several million to build a school, dig wells, build a church over seas. Several million goes quickly, it's not a lot of money to work with, and that was just what the Lord said do. There are places all over the World that need schools for kids, fresh water and churches.
So, doing what we think is good, is not getting direction from what the Lord said do. Path A and Path B both might be scriptural, and help lots of people, but if the Lord said Path B, and you take Path A, the money won't be there.
I don't believe it's always God's will to heal or that we not experience financial distress. Since the experience of life for even the most devout Christians indicates overwhelmingly that this is not always God's will, if I did believe this I think I'd be in a constant state of cognitive and theological dissonance. Even with my limited human perspective, I can think of many good reasons why "not healing" or "allowing financial distress" would serve God's larger purposes.
I don't know about you, but I work better for the Lord feeling well, and not hurting all the time. You also have that right, may believers that do love God die sick, I am doing my part to change that.
"It takes money and it takes stuff and strength to do good works," Moore tells the Branson crowd in a folksy, conversational tone. "Ain't it perverted that so many Christians are broke and sick and they think it's God's will to keep them broke and sick?"
There is no bashfulness about the church's opinion on wealth. In another sermon, Moore led the crowd in chanting, "Rich, rich, rich."
I am the seed of Abraham, blessed with Faithful Abraham. Even If I don't have a thing, I am far from poor. I am rich, rich, rich and Jesus was made poor so I can be rich. I see no reason to confess anything but what scripture say. Faith speaks, before it sees.
Even so, I have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in Christ Jesus, May not be money, but that makes me pretty rich no matter how you look at it.
And yes, it is perverted to think God who spared not His son will not also give us richly all things to enjoy. Healing for example is nothing compared to eternal life. It's like me telling you I'll give you a million dollars, but I will refuse to give you 10.00 dollars to get something to eat, and watch you starve.
Does it really take "money and stuff" to do good works? "Listen, my beloved brethren: did not God choose the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which He promised to those who love Him?"
James 2:5. Just as a counterpoint, I'd look for a modern James at a place like this ("WORKship"): I stumbled upon this place after saying for many years that if I were a pastor, this is exactly what my church would look like.
Does it take money? What is money? Nothing, a tool. However try to obey God, Open a church, travel to different places to speak without money.
When you meet that person who is about to be evicted and needs money, would you rather just pray for them that things work out, or would you rather hand them what is needed to remove all the pressure off them?
I'll tell you, handing them 1,000 dollars and seeing the tears come down and them thanking God, beats not having anything to help them with.
Also, my church is Faith Life Church, and My Pastor is Keith Moore.