Barbarian observes:
Sure. We can look at starlight from very ancient and distant stars.
Demonstrably true. We can tell what elements are forming, the processes going on in the stars, and many other things. Would you like to learn how we know?
You missed what I was saying. I know all that. As I said, the whole universe now is physical only.
And we can look at light billions of years old, and see that it was physical only, then. How far back do we have to go to find evidence to support your belief?
Barbarian chuckles:
Nope. Someone's abused your trust on that one. You see, the radiation from the stars gives us spectral lines that can show us what they are made of. The spectrum of electromagnetic radiation also tells us much of what goes on inside a star. And since the light from distant stars shows us how they were millions of years ago, we can compare them to closer stars, the radiation of which is closer to our time. And the laws involved are the same. So we know, by the evidence. I am always surprised that YEs have so little regard for faith as to make it an insult.
No, you missed the point, and are way off there. Again, I know all that. What you do not know is that it was different in the past and will be again in the future. As I tried to explain, the split process that seperated the physical from the spiritual may have had some areas that were split before others.
In other words, you made up a non-scriptural doctrine, for which no evidence exists, and you want us to believe it.
Barbarian earlier:
I know you want us to believe that. But you have no evidence whatever for it. Nor is it scriptural.
There is every bit as much evidence for this as for the different past as the same past.
No. As you can see, the evidence from ancient startlight is very clear.
As for scripture, rather than make silly empty comments, if anything is unscriptural, show us how.
Quite easily. Where in scrpture can we find this belief of yours?
Barbarian on Dad's new doctrine:
You invented it to make the Bible more acceptable to you.
No, the bible was already acceptable, and I simply read what it said the future will be like, and the past was like.
Nope. God never said any of the things youi're trying to sell here.
Not pld age past wet dreams.
Ah, vulgarity. A new way to make you more credible?
Barbarian observes:
We can look at the fossils of ancient creatures and see that they lived by the same processes that go on now, and that they physical forces were then the same.
Only in your head!!!! At least if we are talking more than 4400 years or so ago. If you claim otherwise, show us an example here and now.
Sure. The skeletons of dinosaurs clearly shows the relationship to robustness and absolute size we see today. This is because the strength of a bone increases as the square of its length, but the force on it increases by the cube of its length. This shows that gravity has been essentially constant.
Barbarian observes:
Trilobites. The lenses of their eyes are properly curved so as to use light as it is and always has been. If light was different, the lenses would be different. Would you like to learn why?
Yes. What about the curvature of the trilobite eye says that light was exactly the same?
Lens focus by refraction. Refraction occurs when light goes from one medium to another, and changes speed. If the medium surface is not perpedicular to the light, it also changes direction. So if the speed of light was different then, the curvature of the eyes would be different. But it's not.
Well, yes, I am, but in this case, I just know some things you don't.
Barbarian observes:
Structural and gait analysis of dinosaurs. The relationship beteen speed and gait in a walking animal is determined by Froud numbers, which essentially treats the leg as a pendulum, which is dependent only on lenght and gravity. And the tracks of the dinosaurs show gravity was indeed as it is today.
That's tough. Personal incredulity counts for nothing.
I say there are many assumptions involved there.
Just one. "Gravity has been constant." And darned if the results don't come out just the way they do today. So the assumption was verified.
Barbarian observes:
Lifespans are not physical laws.
So they will vary depending on the genome of the organism.
They are something different in the past that was a result of different laws!
Show me your evidence.
Barbarian observes:
There is not a single rate of evolution. It depends on the fitness of the organism, and the degree of selective pressure.
Nonsense. It's precisely right.
ALL evolution now is more or less at a snails pace compared to what I am talking about.
That's nonsense, too. Some evolution causes speciation within human lifetimes. Some takes tens of millions of years.
Just as the continental spread is at a snail's pace.
Continents have never moved that fast. They move about as fast as your fingernails grow, but there is considerable variation in that, too.
Barbarian observes:
Measurable by radioisotope dating. Recently, it was used to test the date for the erupted matieral that buried Pompeii, and it worked, so we know it's accurate.
79 AD.
Of course it is pretty accurate up to a point. But totally absolutely, completely erroneous after that.
Show me your evidence.
Barbarian observes:
For one thing, you felt it necessary to invent all the unscriptural nonsense to make the Bible acceptable to you.
Again, you are saying nothing here.
I'm pointing out that all these new doctrines you've been presenting are not scriptural. If you want us to believe them, you'll have to come up with something more secure than your wishful thinking.