Gendou Ikari
Inspired by Nick's thread: http://www.christianforums.net/f17/christian-marriage-wives-submitting-godly-husband-why-not-32771/ I realized that for me submitting to my future husband is an honor and a way to submit myself to the Lord. It seems easy! Why do feminists make it such a big deal? Then I realized, I have no idea what this means to submit to your spouse or what submitting to your spouse looks like. Can anyone offer some insight?
Wives: What does it mean to submit to your husbands?
Husbands: What does it mean for your wives to submit to you?
Feminists, such as myself, have a profound problem with it, precisely because it creates an irrationally division between males and females. St. Paul created a hierarchy: Females --> Males --> God. Anybody who thinks this does not mean St. Paul considered females to be below the stature of males, hasn't been reading their Bible. Even in the Torah, monetary value is assigned to boys and girls, with girls being worth less than boys. Feminists believe that there are more similarities between men and women than we care to admit, especially when you throw the brain chemistry of non-heterosexuals into the mix.
Another problem we have with sexism, is that it is an arbitrary and absolute division. For example, women have historically been forbidden from serving in the military, because on average females are less able to perform in combat than are men. Yet, this distinction is foolish. There are plenty of women who can and do serve in the military with far superior ability than I (as a male) could ever. Just because the majority of women are not fit for military service, does not mean some of them aren't. Likewise, we could make an arbitrary distinction to place a height requirement on military service or for who gets to lead a marriage. Nobody under 5'8'' will be able to serve in the military. Everybody who has watched Rudy knows how foolish this is.