No, I won't get one. Overall, we tend to be pretty healthy by the grace of God, and we only tend to be in public places 6-10 times a month during this season. Church, the grocery store, and the feed store a few times a month, but we tend not to do too many extras during the winter season.
This year we have less homegrown type foods, other than our milk, eggs, butter, and a few canned jellies, and veggies. So, I hope we will still do well. We also take organic grasses, and other such products, to keep nutrients in our bodies so maybe they will finally be worth their money this year. :-?
I had the flu in 2003, and so did all three of my children. It was the first time I had it in years, and the first time my children ever had it...they haven't had it since.
If I worked in the medical field (at a hospital) maybe I would consider it, if it tended to work in my system pretty well. If it actually made me sick, I would just go without it. I can get sick on my own. :-D
The Lord bless all of you.