Here is my question:
Do you believe that I, as a person not called to be "a sheep", deserve to be sent to eternal misery in hell? Key words are "eternal" and "misery". Please don't post scripture or dogma, answer this from your own thoughts/feelings, . . .and think about what "eternal" and "misery" means. Also, remember that everyone "sins", even those who claim that they have "walked away from their sin". They still "sin". . . . the only difference is that someone was able to believe in a concept [found in the bible] that has no real evidence, . . . someone else wasn't able to honestly state that belief.
Thank you for your input.
One phrase I notice in your question is the phrase "deserve to be sent to eternal misery in hell?" I don't see the difference between those called to be sheep and those not called to be sheep, both groups "deserve to be sent to eternal misery in hell!"
I think the major difference between your statement and the way I understand scripture has to do with the nature of man. Are you not seeing man as at least morally neutral, and not as I do, a rebel who has earned and deserved the wrath of a righteous God?
If you start from your premise that man is morally neutral, then I guess it would be consistent to say all men deserve a chance. If you start from my premise that all men are evil and born into a rebellion against a holy God, then is it not consistent for me to say ---> No one has earned or deserves any chance whatsoever. Is God somehow unjust if he chooses to give his grace to some men and not to other rebels?
Let me illustrate what I am saying---
You would see 10 innocent babies, God offers each one the oppertunity to not rebel and choose him.
I would see 10 death row rapist/murders. God might pardon 3, and allow the other 7 to go the the electric chair where they deserve death. If the governor of my state pardons 3 death row inmates, is he wrong because he did not pardon all 10? Certainly not. Maybe not all men are rapist/murders, and not all men have sinned as much as they could, but all men are rebels--- against the holy God and deserve death, eternal death. Men are by nature rebels against God. We go about to establish our own authority and sovereignty by nature.
When we begin from these different starting points, we end up with naturally very different opinions. The gulf between an evil man, and a holy God is much greater on my side of the fence. Therefore on my side of the fence we salvation as grace upon grace, and we did not have any part in that salvation. On your side of the fense, we have to at least do something to help. Usually what helps God save us is that free will decision where we assist Gods grace by at least reaching up and accepting it. On our side of the fence, no one is even that neutral to accept anything from God. We are rebels and sinners. We do not seek God, but we run from God.
Romans 3:11 there is no one who understands;
there is no one who seeks God.
It is by his will
John 1:13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.