I am struggling with 'forgiveness' on the one hand in the Lords prayer we pray 'Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those that have trespassed against us'..
On the cross, Jesus prayed,
"Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do." (in Luke 23:34)
After this prayer, one of those criminals gave himself to Jesus. So, I can see that forgiving prayer can help to get a person changed by God. I can see that in answer to Jesus' prayer, the man repented, was forgiven, but also became adopted as a child of God to share with Jesus in Paradise. So, when we seek forgiveness, we need to do this with the intention and interest and desire to share in love with the person.
"Therefore", we in prayer need to get ready, corrected, so we can share and relate well with the person, in case God really does change him or her . . . or be ready to keep on being longsuffering and a good example to the person while he or she does not change >
"nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock." (1 Peter 5:3)
Jesus on the cross desired for us to be forgiven. So - - in His heart, already . . . He forgave us, way back then. And now we desire for people to be reconciled with God; so in our heart we have already forgiven them, because we desire forgiveness for them
However, they need to confess how they have been wrong, so they can appreciate their need to change and be corrected by God. Then they can join us in family
sharing (Ephesians 4:31-5:2), as children of God. So, forgiving needs to be with interest in the person joining us in family love, with our Father and Jesus our Groom and one another . . . not just "forgiving" them in order to get rid of them from our conscience!
But if a person really changes, he or she is no longer the wrong person who did those evil things . . . if the person has now become a loving and honest person; so, for us, there is no "need" for the person to suffer "consequences" . . . since it is silly to punish a loving and honest person for what an evil or less mature person has done