My wife and I have been attending a small group where we are going through a seminar called Pathways to Wholeness”. It is a very powerful seminar and I wanted to share a summary on the events that might hinder our choice to forgive.
1. A painful hurt or injustice.
Memories may be so painful that being able to forgive can seem impossible. Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted. Trust him to heal you. Isaiah 61:1
2. Waiting for an apology from the person who hurt us.
Since that apology may never happen, we would stay in sin and be bound by our choice not to forgive.
3. The person continues hurting me.
Jesus instructs us that we are to forgive 490 times a day. Matthew 18:21-22
4. Thinking that forgiving the person would be the same as excusing what they did.
God is not asking us to excuse or pretend the hurt did not happen. Forgiving is not excusing, it is a choice to release the other person from our judgment, and let God be the judge instead!
5. They do not deserve forgiveness.
None of us deserve forgiveness. Our sins were forgiven in Christ Jesus. He paid the price. It is our choice to be obedient to do what Jesus asked: forgive others as you have been forgiven.
choosing to hold onto unforgiveness causes bitterness. Bitterness is corrosive.