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Bible Study From The Beginning

Continuing from post #51

Genesis 2:18-20

Gen 2:18 . .Yhvh God said: It's not good for Adam to be solitary; I
will make a fitting helper for him.

"a fitting helper" is from two Hebrew words. "Fitting" is from neged (neh'
ghed) which means: a front, i.e. part opposite; specifically a counterpart, or
mate. The word for "helper" is from 'ezer (ay'-zer) which means: aid.

Note that aid isn't spelled with an "e" as in aide; so that Eve wasn't meant to
be either Adam's servant, nor his assistant; but rather, his assistance-- in
other words; his aid as in First Aid. Note that assistance is not spelled the
same as assistant nor are the two words synonyms. An assistant does what
they're told, while assistance is supportive.

You know what that suggests to me? It suggests that Adam didn't really
have it all that easy in his world, and that Eve's companionship made his life
a lot more tolerable and worth the living. The helper that God made for
Adam would be both his counterpart, and his crutch. In other words: wives
are really at their best when they strengthen their men to go out that door
and face the big, bad, mean world.

In making a statement like Gen 2:18; God made it very clear right from the
beginning that human beings were not intended to live a celibate life. If male
human life was packaged in a box of software, one of its system
requirements would be Companion. Woman's potential for companionship is
the primary reason that God made her-- not for her sex appeal nor for her
reproductive value; no, for companionship.

Before God introduced the man to a woman, He first gave the man an
opportunity to seek appropriate companionship from among the creatures of
the animal kingdom. That route proved futile.

Gen 2:19-20a . . And the Lord God formed out of the earth all the
wild beasts and all the birds of the sky, and brought them to the man
to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called each
living creature, that would be its name. And the man gave names to
all the cattle and to the birds of the sky and to all the wild beasts;

Adam's task would have been overwhelming if as many varieties existed in
his day as ours; which I honestly don't think did because, for one thing,
prior to the existence of humans the Earth underwent some mass extinction

No doubt Adam loved animals; I mean look: he gave them all names; which
is something that people who make their living in animal husbandry try to
avoid because the practice can lead to attachments; thus making the
situation very difficult when it's time for sale and/or slaughter.

My wife's kindergarten class visits a working dairy farm every year where all
the cows and the calves have number tags stapled in their ears. On the
books, those numbers are the bovines' names; but in a matter of minutes,
my wife's kinders give the little calves real names because it's just in human
nature to do that. (I named one White Shoulder because it had an epaulette
of white hair on its right shoulder)

But as cute and cuddly as creatures are, they just don't have what it takes
to be the kind of companion that a human being really needs.

Gen 2:20b . . but for Adam no fitting helper was found.

That's telling me that people who seek companionship from a pet are out of
kilter because pets are unbefitting-- they're a lower form of life than people;
and God didn't create them to be people's personal companions, no,
according to Gen 1:26-28 He created them to be people's servants. I think
that even to this day, were most people given a choice between human
companionship and that of a lower form of life; they would opt for the

Companionship has many points from a varierty of views. As a general rule though, I agree that we aren't ment to be alone. However Jesus said something about not marrying being ok. Or that there are some made without needing a spouse. That if we are not married we can dovote ourselves to God more. But Jesus does not require us to be married, or to stay single. So we should consider our need for a companion greatly before making a commitment to serve God without one.

On the other hand if we do marry and it ends in divorce or seperation for whatever reason, finding another companion is not the solution unless your pervious spouse has died. Jesus said that God allowed divorce because of man's hard heart, but that this wasn't God's origional intention. I've seen a few relationships that ended because of sin and selfishness. One abuse or another that eventually ate at the wife or husband until they had to leave. In my opinion, God allowing divorce shows a great compassion to us in our sinful states. Nonetheless Jesus continues on this point that if a person divorces and remarries they have commited adultery, or forced their spouse to commit adultery. The only exception to this rule is when adultery has happened in the marriage, or if the person you married has passed on.

Our commitment and our need for companionship I think go hand in hand. The ideas of pets not being a worthy companion though, I don't know. Having a human companion is better, assuming that the person loves you. But a pet often has so much love and affection in them, they are something I think everyone should also have. At least once in their life.
I Corinthians 7:32 KJV
But I would have you without carefulness. He that is unmarried careth for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please the Lord:
33 But he that is married careth for the things that are of the world, how he may please his wife.

I Corinthians 7 is complex and the two verses I quoted have special qualifications.

Revelation 3:20 Gives a relationship that is spiritual.

According to Gen 2:18-20, misogyny (hatred of women) and misandry
(hatred of men) were not in the divine plan.

Ps 82:5 . . They know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about
in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken.

It could also be said that all the foundations of the earth are in ruins because
that's what happened to all those ancient structures in Greece due to

There are powerful economic and political forces at work today keeping men
and women embroiled in a perpetual battle of the sexes. Humanity's creator
meant for men and women to exist together in synergic harmony. HAW!!
That social structure collapsed years ago as the two genders gradually
became more and more polarized instead of unified.

Matthew 19:10 KJV
His disciples say unto him, If the case of the man be so with his wife, it is not good to marry.
11 But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given.

Without I Corinthians 7
It is not a balanced conversation.

Without looking at being born again, none of the reality is seen. Looking just at shadows leaves the body of Christ a mystery.

That's telling me that people who seek companionship from a pet are out of
kilter because pets are unbefitting-- they're a lower form of life than people;
and God didn't create them to be people's personal companions, no,
according to Gen 1:26-28 He created them to be people's

Genesis is handy for comparing early humanity's condition with today's. For
example the results of a Swedish study posted in the Nov 28, 2017 issue of
the New York Times suggests that owning a dog is linked to a reduced risk of
cardio-vascular disease and death.

Common experience also suggests that people enjoy a better quality of life
with a pet than without one; and also that people stuck in assisted living are
happier when there's a cat or a dog or some such on the premises.

What does that say about today's humanity? Well, it says to me that the
psychological, physical, and emotional stability of today's people is vastly
inferior to that enjoyed by people in the very beginning. The first Adam
couldn't find a suitable companion from among the animal kingdom, but
today's Adam can and does; viz: for some men, women are their second
choice after animals for companionship; and if the current wave of misandry
gets any worse, American women could find themselves even lower on the
list of men's preferences for companionship.

II Peter 2:11 kJV
Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord.
12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;

13 And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you;

Continuing from post #61

Genesis 2:21-22a

Gen 2:21a-22a . . So the Lord God cast a deep sleep upon the man;
and, while he slept, He took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh at
that spot. And the Lord God fashioned the rib that He had taken from
the man into a woman;

The Hebrew word for "rib" is tsela' (tsay-law') and Gen 2:21-22 contains the
only two places in the entire Old Testament where it's translated with an
English word representing a skeletal bone. In the other twenty-nine places,
it's translated "side" which is really how it should be translated because
according to Gen 2:23, the material taken from Adam's body included a
portion of his flesh, which is notable; here's why.

Eve wasn't constructed directly from the dust of the Earth as was Adam. She
was constructed from human tissue amputated from Adam's body; ergo: Eve
got her human life from Adam; consequently any and all human life
produced by Eve's body is Adam's human life; and this is very important in
regards to Jesus Christ's origin.

As far as the Bible is concerned; Jesus' mom Mary was a normal female
human being produced by the union of two normal male and female human
beings whose ancestry can be traced all the way back to Adam; the beginner
of the human race.

There are people, even a number of Christians, who desperately want to
biologically disconnect Jesus Christ from Adam; their case relies heavily
upon Jesus' virgin conception, which is a losing case seeing as how the flesh
of Mary's parents biologically descended from Eve's flesh; and from thence
Adam's flesh; ergo: Mary's flesh was Adam's flesh.

Opponents have attempted to biologically disconnect Christ from Adam by
insisting that his conception was an implant, i.e. Mary was Jesus' surrogate
mother rather than his biological mother. But that idea is not only a theory
concocted right out of thin air and a fertile imagination, but it's also
spurious and unbiblical.

"I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after mine own heart, which
shall fulfill all my will". Of this man's seed hath God, according to His
promise, raised unto Israel a savior, Jesus. (Acts 13:22-23)

Jesus Christ our Lord, which was made of the seed of David according to the
flesh (Rom 1:1-3)

The koiné Greek word for "seed" in those two passages is sperma (sper'
mah) which in males typically refers to their reproductive stuff and/or their
genetic material; especially when the seed is according to the flesh, i.e.
biological seed rather than spiritual seed.

Now, in order for Christ to descend from David's flesh sans Mary sleeping
with a man, she had to be one of David's biological granddaughters or else
her child would not have been David's actual progeny, and the angel's
announcement would've been untrue.

You will conceive in your womb and bear a son; the Lord God will give him
the throne of his father David. (Luke 1:31)

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biological seed rather than spiritual seed.
We are born two ways:
1. of woman
2. of Spirit
David of heart is of special interest to me.
Revelation 4:10 KJV
The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on the throne, and worship him that liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying,
11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and powler: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

David always gave humble reverence to God.

The natural pacemaker looks like a crucified man.

We have 24 ribs that bow before the heart.
( The ribs are attached to the spine, that has ruling nerves).
A cartilage ribbon runs from each crowned
rib to the sternum, and where it touches it causes the breast bone to look like a crown.

Sons and daughters prophesy. Part of the spiritual symbolism of Adam became Eve.

Of course we are made in his image. As a temple we have physical symbols, but he has to enter us to cause the reality of Christ in us.

What do you feel would be an appropriate amount of interval between Bible
posts . . one day, two, a week, a month?

Look at other posts...A paragraph or so inviting discussion.... These forums are not blogs... if one wishes to posts blogs there are sites set up for that... Here at CFnet our forums are designed for discussion.

2.6: ....
Please keep posts down to a respectable length and provide source and/or links for your info. Videos of personal teachings are not acceptable at this time. We want to respect copyrighted material. Be sure at minimum to cite your source and keep all posts in compliance with Fair Use copyright law. Plus, you stand a better chance of getting your post read if it contains a link with an excerpt from source that's relative to your point.
For those who enjoyed journeying with me thru Genesis thus far I regret to announce that I will no longer be posting anything to Christian Forums dot net.

Sorry; but I have to go.

Very sorry you do not wish to abide by the rules you agreed too when you signed on.. Hopefully you will change your mind/heart